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Network Orchestration for Amazon Transit Gateway

Automate setting up and managing your transit networks with Amazon Transit Gateway


The Network Orchestration for Amazon Transit Gateway solution automates the process of setting up and managing transit networks in distributed Amazon Web Services environments. This solution allows customers to visualize and monitor their global network from a single dashboard rather than toggling between Regions from the Amazon Web Services Console. It creates a web interface to help control, audit, and approve transit network changes.


Cross-account and cross-Region capability

Automate the process of setting up and managing transit networks in multi-account Amazon Web Services environments.

Change management

Use the web user interface to either accept or reject connectivity requests when manual approval is required.

Web user interface

Deploy a web user interface to control, audit, and approve transit network changes.


Use rules to automatically accept or reject network changes based on the Organization Unit (OU).

Technical details

You can automatically deploy this architecture using the implementation guide and the accompanying Amazon CloudFormation templates.

Use cases for this Amazon Web Services Solutions
Compute & Networking
About this deployment
Est. deployment time
25 分钟
Estimated cost
Deployment options
Ready to get started?
Deploy this solution by launching it in your Amazon Web Services Console

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Australia Post 徽标

“Australia Post is a self-funded postal service business with both commercial and community service obligations, serving 12.3 million delivery points across Australia. Our organization is made up of 35,000 employees so when we needed to expand our cloud technologies to scale our network across our growing cloud infrastructure with siloed VPCs and on-premises data centers, we experienced significant latency issues. The Network Orchestration for Amazon Transit Gateway solution allowed us to automate our configuration and customize our network setup based on our needs with AmazonTransit Gateway, reducing our network setup time from weeks to minutes, resulting on the final solution reaching 13X improved network traffic speeds between accounts.”

Jason Gorringe, Cloud Services Manager
Australia Post

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