Amazon Snowball Pricing

With Amazon Snowball, you pay only for your use of the device and for data transfer out of Amazon Web Services. Pricing includes a service fee per job, which includes 10 calendar days of usage onsite, and a per day fee for every additional day you use the device before sending it back to Amazon Web Services. The service fee and per day fee vary by Amazon Web Services Region and depend on which of the two Snowball device types that you choose: Storage Optimized for Data Transfer only, Storage Optimized with EC2 Compute.

Pricing details

Service Fee per Job
This is a one-time setup fee per job ordered through the console, and it includes ten days of onsite usage. Shipping days are not counted toward the ten days, including the day the device is received and the day it is shipped back to Amazon Web Services. Pricing is listed by Region in the tables below.

Per Day Fee
The first ten days of onsite usage is included in the service fee. If the device is kept for more than ten days, you incur a fee for each day you keep the device. The per day fee is listed by Region in the tables below.

Data Transfer
Data transfer IN to Amazon S3 is 0.00/GB CNY (free)
Data transfer OUT of Amazon S3 is priced by region. This charge is for Snow Data transfer OUT and is different than the Amazon S3 Data OUT charges.

China (Beijing) 0.27/GB CNY
China (Ningxia) 0.27/GB CNY

Shipping charges are based on a flat rate of 340 CNY for standard 2-5 day delivery to or from all provinces in China.

Other Amazon Web Service charges

Snowball Pricing

Standard Amazon Web Services service charges apply for usage incurred from importing or exporting data to or from your Amazon S3 buckets, such as Amazon S3 PUT requests or Amazon KMS request charges (if KMS encryption is enabled on your Amazon S3 bucket). 

Pricing for Snowball Edge Storage Optimized Data Transfer Only

Region On-Demand Job fee (includes 10 days) On-Demand Per Day fee
China (Beijing) CNY 2,612 CNY 261
China (Ningxia)  CNY 2,612 CNY 261

Pricing for Snowball Edge Storage Optimized with EC2 Compute Instances

Region On-Demand Job fee (includes 10 days) On-Demand Per Day fee 1 year Commitment Upfront Fee 3 years Commitment Upfront Fee
China (Beijing) CNY 5,224 CNY 522 CNY 143,000 CNY 357,520
China (Ningxia)  CNY 5,224 CNY 522 CNY 143,000 CNY 357,520

Pricing examples

Example 1: Import 80 TB into the China (Beijing) Region using a Storage Optimized device
You would pay a service fee for one device 2612 CNY plus round trip shipping. You would not pay additional per day fees, as long as you load the device with your data in less than ten days, and ship it back to Amazon Web Services. 

The total cost of importing 80 TB to Amazon Web Services will be 2952 CNY (2612 CNY for the service fee, plus shipping 340 CNY ). There are no data transfer fees, since data import is free, and no per day fees, since you used the device for 10 days or less.

Example 2: Export 25 TB out of the China (Ningxia) Region using a Storage Optimized device
Suppose you use the device for 20 days total onsite, including the days that the device arrived and the day you shipped it out. You would pay a service fee for one device 2,620 CNY plus round trip shipping. Since the day the device arrives and the day you ship it out do not count towards the 10 days included in the service fee, you would pay per day fees for 20 – 10 – 2 = 8 additional days at 261 CNY per day for a total of 2,088 CNY in per day fees. Since you are exporting data, Snow data transfer OUT fees apply (0.27 CNY / GB * 25 TB * 1,024 =6912 CNY).

The total cost would be 11,952 CNY. Service fees of 2,612 CNY + per day fees of 2,088 CNY + data transfer OUT fees of 6,912 CNY+ 340 CNY shipping.

Example 3: Process data collected onsite and import 10 TB of processed data into the China (Beijing) Region using a Storage Optimized device
Suppose you have a 30-day project to collect drone footage in the field and are using EC2 instances on your Storage Optimized device to process the footage before sending the processed data to Amazon Web Services. You would pay a service fee for one Storage Optimized device (5,224 CNY) plus round-trip shipping. Since the day the device arrives and the day you ship it out do not count towards the 10 days included in the service fee, you would pay per day fees for 30 – 10 – 2 = 18 additional days at 522 CNY per day for a total of 9,270 CNY in per day fees. There are no additional fees for using the compute capabilities on the device.

The total cost would be 14,960 CNY, plus shipping. Service fees of 5224 CNY + per day fees of 9,396 CNY+ shipping (340 CNY).

Loss Fees
If an Amazon Snowball device is lost or irreparably damaged while it is in your possession – after delivery and before the carrier accepts the appliance for return delivery – you will be charged loss fees as noted below. Loss fees also apply if you do not provide the appliance to the carrier for return to us at our request.

Appliance Type Lost Device Fees
Snowball Edge Storage Optimized 80,315 CNY

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