Getting Started with Amazon Snowball

Getting started with Amazon Snowball is simple. Just create a new job and choose between Snowball Edge Storage Optimized in the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

We will ship one or more Snowball Edge devices, pre-configured with Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon Lambda functions, or Amazon EC2 AMIs if selected, to the address you provide when you create the job.

Once the device(s) arrives, download Amazon OpsHub from the Snowball Resources page and install it on a Windows or Mac host computer. OpsHub will guide you through the steps to setup your devices, including connecting the devices to your local network, setting the IP address either manually or with DHCP, and unlocking your device. You can then use OpsHub to use, operate, and manage your devices, such as transferring data or launching EC2 instances. If you intend to transfer data to Amazon Web Services, then once you finish transferring your data to the device and the device is ready to be returned, the E Ink shipping label will automatically update to the correct Amazon Web Services facility, and you can track the job status via Amazon SNS email messages, or directly in the Console. 

Step-by-step guides

Getting Started with Amazon Snowball

This overview includes general instructions for creating and completing your first data transfer job using the Amazon Snowball Management Console.

Best Practices for Amazon Snowball

Find best practices information to help you get the maximum benefit from and satisfaction with Amazon Snowball with security setup, network configuration, and use of resources.

Using an Amazon Snowball

This overview includes images of the Snowball, instructions for preparing the device for data transfer, and networking best practices to help optimize your data transfer.

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Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

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