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Amazon IoT SiteWise Pricing

Amazon IoT SiteWise is a managed service that makes it easy to collect, organize, process, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale to help you make data-driven decisions. You pay only for what you use, with no minimum fees or mandatory service usage. You are charged separately for usage of Messaging, Data Processing, Data Storage, Data Export, Amazon IoT SiteWise Monitor, Amazon IoT SiteWise Edge, and Alarms.

Pricing Details

Amazon IoT SiteWise Messaging - China (Beijing)

Messages transport equipment data and computed data to, from, and within Amazon IoT SiteWise. Messaging is metered by the number of messages ingested and retrieved by querying or publishing. 

Data Ingestion: Messages are ingested through an application programming interface (API)—a method allowing two software applications to exchange information, or generated by a computation over equipment data. A message can also be ingested through Amazon IoT SiteWise APIs, including APIs used by Amazon IoT SiteWise Edge or by other application clients (e.g., BatchPutAssetPropertyValue, CreateBulkImportJob). 

For near real-time data ingestion, messages are metered in 1KB increments or 10 data points per data stream. 

For buffered data ingestion, messages are metered in 5KB increments or 60 data points across multiple data streams. When ingesting buffered data, you will be charged a minimum of 10MB or 2,000 messages per ingestion period. 

Data Retrieval: Messages are retrieved when a property, such as a measurement of a sensor value, is published to a query request (e.g. when data is retrieved through APIs or published to Amazon IoT Core).

Messages published in response to an asset property query request are metered for each set of up to 50 property values or every 4 KB of data contained in the message, whichever results in a higher count of messages. The warm tier retrieval meters a minimum of 200 KB or 10 messages per retrieval per data stream, measured in 20KB increments or 250 property values.

Messages published in response to an interpolated asset property query request are metered based on the number of property values retrieved from storage to compute each interpolated value. 

Additional charges apply for GET requests made against your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket when data results are retrieved from your cold tier. For more information about these charges, see Amazon S3 pricing. Messages published to Amazon IoT Core are metered in 1 KB increments, and this operation does not incur any additional messaging charges from Amazon IoT Core.

Messaging Pricing: ¥9.19 (per million messages)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Data Processing - China (Beijing)

You can create production metrics such as Operational Equipment Efficiency (OEE) using mathematical and statistical computations in Amazon IoT SiteWise. 

You are charged by the number of transforms, metrics, and aggregates computed. 

Auto-computed Aggregates: Amazon IoT SiteWise automatically computes a set of commonly used aggregates such as average, sum, and count over multiple time periods (e.g., one-minute, one-hour) for equipment data, transforms, and metrics. You will incur charges for messaging for each pre-computed aggregate that is ingested. For each message ingested, these aggregates are metered as a single computation.

Data Processing Pricing: ¥4.60 (per million computations)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Data Storage - China (Beijing)

Once data is in the cloud, Amazon IoT SiteWise stores equipment and computed data in a managed time series database that automatically scales with your data usage and storage. Amazon IoT SiteWise monitors the size of your storage continuously to determine your storage charges.

Hot Storage Pricing: ¥0.00382723 (per GB-hour) or ¥0.09185332 (per GB-day) or ¥2.76 (per GB-Month)

Warm Storage Pricing: ¥0.000382723 (per GB-hour) or ¥0.009185332 (per GB-day) or ¥0.276 (per GB-Month)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Data Export - China (Beijing)

You can store data from measurements, metrics, transforms and aggregates in Amazon IoT SiteWise cold storage tier. Amazon IoT SiteWise stores data in cold storage tier that is older than your predefined hot storage tier retention period, including data that is ingested using BatchPutAssetPropertyValue and CreateBulkImportJob. Data in cold tier is stored as Amazon S3 objects in an S3 bucket in your account. You will be charged for the number of S3 objects created or updated by Amazon IoT SiteWise to store data in cold tier.

Additional charges apply for storing exported data in Amazon S3 and for PUT requests made against your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about these charges, see Amazon S3 pricing.

Data Export pricing: ¥0.042445 (per thousand objects)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Monitor - China (Beijing)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Monitor provides managed web applications for interacting with operational data from devices and equipment that send data to Amazon IoT SiteWise. You will incur charges to retrieve data from Amazon IoT SiteWise and to publish the data to a SiteWise Monitor web application.

Monitor Pricing: ¥70.66 (per unique active user per month)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Edge – China (Beijing)

Amazon IoT SiteWise Edge provides on-premise data collection and processing capabilities for use in local applications as well as sending data to the cloud. SiteWise Edge capabilities are offered through packs.

Data Collection Pack: This pack enables data collection from common industrial data sources and transferring it to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. By default, data is sent to Amazon IoT SiteWise and can be routed to Amazon IoT Core, Amazon S3, and Amazon Kinesis.

The Data Collection Pack is free.

Data Processing Pack: This pack enables calculating transforms and metrics using Amazon IoT SiteWise asset models and visualizing them with Amazon IoT SiteWise Monitor. You can also interact with the data processed locally by Amazon IoT SiteWise Edge using the same REST APIs you use with Amazon IoT SiteWise in the cloud.

A Data Processing Pack is charged at ¥1306 per active gateway, per month. A gateway is considered active in a month if it connects to the Amazon Web Services Cloud to receive SiteWise Edge software configuration updates.

Note that you will be charged separately for any other Amazon Web Services services that you use; refer to specific pricing for those services. You will also be charged separately for Amazon IoT Greengrass, which is used by Amazon IoT SiteWise Edge.

Amazon IoT SiteWise Alarms - China (Beijing)

The Alarms feature allows you to set up, visualize, and manage rule-based alerts to assess equipment behavior and identify equipment performance issues. Alarms in Amazon IoT SiteWise are supported through the Alarms feature of Amazon IoT Events. You will incur charges for alarms you create in Amazon IoT SiteWise through Amazon IoT Events. See Amazon IoT Events pricing for details.

You will incur charges in Amazon IoT SiteWise for publishing messages to Amazon IoT Events that are used to evaluate alarms. You will also incur charges in Amazon IoT SiteWise for storing alarm states received from Amazon IoT Events.

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