Amazon IoT SiteWise

Easily collect, organize, and analyze data from industrial equipment at scale

Amazon IoT SiteWise is a managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale to help you make better, data-driven decisions. You can use Amazon IoT SiteWise to monitor operations across facilities, quickly compute common industrial performance metrics, and create applications that analyze industrial equipment data to prevent costly equipment issues and reduce gaps in production. This allows you to collect data consistently across devices, identify issues with remote monitoring more quickly, and improve multi-site processes with centralized data.

Today, getting performance metrics from industrial equipment is challenging because data is often locked into proprietary on-premises data stores and typically requires specialized expertise to retrieve and place in a format that is useful for analysis. Amazon IoT SiteWise simplifies this process by providing software running on a gateway that resides in your facilities and automates the process of collecting and organizing industrial equipment data. This gateway securely connects to your on-premises data servers, collects and processes data, and sends the data to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. That data is also made available locally for your edge applications. Amazon IoT SiteWise also provides interfaces for collecting data from modern industrial applications through MQTT messages or APIs.

You can use Amazon IoT SiteWise to model your physical assets, processes and facilities, quickly compute common industrial performance metrics, and create fully managed web applications to help analyze industrial equipment data, reduce costs and make faster decisions. With Amazon IoT SiteWise, you can focus on understanding and optimizing your operations, rather than building costly in-house data collection and management applications.


Collect data consistently from all your sources

With Amazon IoT SiteWise, you can gather data reliably from multiple facilities, structure it, and make it accessible and understandable—without developing additional software. You can query information and metrics about equipment or processes across multiple facilities, so it’s readily available for applications. Amazon IoT SiteWise has the data collection, management and visualization capabilities you need built right in. So, you can invest your development resources on new applications that help you learn more from your data.

Identify issues quickly with remote monitoring

Assess the performance of your industrial equipment remotely, across locations, with Amazon IoT SiteWise. Before, you had to dispatch a technician to diagnose a problem and then send another technician to fix the problem. Now, you can remotely diagnose a problem and only dispatch technicians when needed to fix issues. You can spend less time coordinating on-site diagnostic activities and let your engineers focus on what they do best: understanding your operations and designing better systems.

Improve cross-facility processes with a central data source

Visibility across industrial facilities allows you to streamline operations, as well as identify gaps in production and waste. With Amazon IoT SiteWise, you can create models of industrial processes and equipment across multiple facilities, and then automatically discover and visualize live and historical asset data through customizable charts and dashboards. Using the SiteWise Monitor feature, you have the ability to launch a web application with your asset data in minutes and give industrial engineers the visibility to react to issues or identify differences across facilities. SiteWise Monitor makes it easy to create a centralized, authoritative source of information to better understand your operations, improve processes, and reduce waste across your entire organization.

Process and monitor data on-premises for factory floor applications

Amazon IoT SiteWise includes software, SiteWise Edge, that runs on-premises, securely connecting to and reading data from equipment or local historian databases. Once you have modeled your equipment and environment in the cloud, SiteWise Edge uses the same models locally to maintain consistency across both cloud and on-premise environments, reducing duplication, effort, and development costs. You can choose to process and use your machine data on-premises to help comply with data residency requirements or for use by local edge applications. You can send data to Amazon IoT SiteWise or other services in the Amazon Web Services Cloud for additional storage and further analysis. With SiteWise Edge, you can deploy SiteWise Monitor web applications locally so users like process engineers can visualize equipment data in near real time on the factory floor. SiteWise Edge continues to operate even during temporary disruptions of connectivity to the cloud, for on-premises scenarios.

How it works

Amazon IoT SiteWise How It Works

Use cases


With Amazon IoT SiteWise, you can easily collect and use data from your equipment to identify and reduce inefficiencies and improve industrial operations. Amazon IoT SiteWise helps you collect data from manufacturing lines and assembly robots, transfer it to the cloud, and structure performance metrics for your specific equipment and processes. You can use these metrics to understand the overall effectiveness of your operations and identify opportunities for innovation and improvement. You can also view your manufacturing process and identify equipment and process deficiencies, production gaps, or product defects.

Food and beverage

Food and beverage industry facilities handle a wide variety of food processing, including grinding grain to flour, butchering and packing meat, and assembling, cooking, and freezing microwaveable meals. These processing plants often span multiple locations with plant and equipment operators in a centralized location monitoring processes and equipment. For example, they may be monitoring refrigeration units, assessing ingredient handling and expiration, or they may be monitoring waste creation across facilities to ensure operational efficiency. With Amazon IoT SiteWise, you can group sensor data streams from multiple locations by production line and facility so your process engineers can better understand and improve processes across facilities.

Energy and utilities

Companies often deploy their power-generation assets in remote areas, far from the technicians who are trained to fix the equipment. When an issue arises, the technicians receive a notification, travel to the site to diagnose the problem, and then make another trip to fix it. With Amazon IoT SiteWise, you can resolve equipment issues easier and more efficiently. You can monitor asset performance remotely in real time and access historical equipment data from anywhere to pinpoint potential problems, dispatch the right resources, and both prevent and fix issues faster.

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