Amazon Web Services Industry Digital Acceleration Center (IDAC)

Industry Digital Acceleration Center is an Amazon Web Services Great China Region program, partnering with Chinese local governments to build up industry ecosystem by presenting and providing Amazon Web Services solutions and services in China and leveraging government beneficiary policies and funding. The program is dedicated to accelerate customers go to China market journey.

The IDAC consists of 5 key modules

Industry Demo Center

Amazon Web Services select the best industry specific customer solution for the demo center and host customer centric events & activities to demonstrate Amazon Web Services industry capabilities, enable government preferential policies to connect industry customers, and utilize government funding to partially cover customer’s Amazon Web Services cloud expenditure.

Industry Government Funding

Local government provides a funding to subsidize the Amazon Web Services cloud usage from enterprise customers registered in specific district. Each enterprise can have part of their total Amazon Web Services usage reimbursed.

Industry Digital Innovation Club

A Digital Innovation Club for key Amazon Web Services customers & potential customers will be established in local district. The club will regularly publish industry digital trends, Amazon Web Services related news, and organize various interactive events to develop business connections. It will also leverage existing Amazon Web Services programs to accelerate customer’s digital transformation and migration to Amazon Web Services, such as Digital and Innovation, Greenfield, Migration.

Amazon Web Services Business Development Support

Government will help Amazon Web Services to expand customer channels including scientific research institutions, industry leaders, and start-up companies. For government owned projects, local government will also help Amazon Web Services to identify potential business opportunities.

Amazon Web Services Key Industry Customers Landing Acceleration

When Amazon Web Services key industry customers have needs to land, relocation or spin-off new business in Chinese market, Amazon Web Services IDAC can connect them to local government to offer dedicate beneficial packages to accelerate the process.

Checkout detailed offerings of each Amazon Web Services Industry Digital Acceleration Center

Shanghai-Amazon Web Services Healthcare and Life Science Industry Digital Acceleration Center

Suzhou-Amazon Web Services Autonomous Vehicle Industry Digital Acceleration Center

Tianjin-Amazon Web Services Manufacturing Digital Acceleration Center

Wuhan-Amazon Web Services New-energy & Autonomous Vehicles Digital Acceleration Center

Chengdu-Amazon Web Services Joint Innovation Center

Reach out to us and understand how Amazon Web Services IDAC can help you with your initial setup in China and grow your business leveraging Amazon Web Services and government resources.

Wan Xingchen

Customer Success Specialist

Focused in R&D of new drugs for clients in the pharmaceutical industry, cloud ERP, and genomics analysis. Her field of expertise is ERP workload including SAP, Kingdee; familiar with use case in HCLS, manufacturing, consumer goods and retail.

Jiang Haotian

Customer Success Specialist

Familiar with life science industry CADD/AIDD, Medical R&D and related cloud solutions; specializing in retail, manufacturing, life science, etc; Expertise in using cost-saving tools to help customers continuously optimize expenditures.

Contact us, if you have any questions or you are not from the industry listed above but still interested into this program

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