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Apache Superset on Amazon Web Services

Quickly deploy a lightweight, open source data exploration and data visualization platform to easily implement business intelligence (BI) applications.

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Apache Superset on Amazon Web Services

Quickly deploy a lightweight, open source data exploration and data visualization platform to easily implement business intelligence (BI) applications.


Apache Superset is an open-source data exploration and data visualization platform. It can be used as a light-weight, modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. The solution helps you quickly build the Apache Superset platform in Amazon Cloud. 

The solution simplifies the deployment process, reduces technical effort to set up the platform, and allows you to focus more on data and business itself. You can one-click to launch a CloudFormation template to deploy the Apache Superset, without worrying about the partition of the cloud resources and any details of the deployment.

The solution supports common data sources including SQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Amazon ElasticSearch, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, Clickhouse. Comparing to the community version of Apache Superset, the solution offers better user experience in term of service availability, data persistence, resource scalability, and service observability, etc. 


Best Practices

The solution shows the best practice of building Apache Superset on Amazon Cloud. Leveraging the Amazon Web Services, the solution provides better user experience than the community version, in term of service availability, data persistence and service observability, etc.

Best Practices

The solution shows the best practice of building Apache Superset on Amazon Cloud. Leveraging the Amazon Web Services, the solution provides better user experience than the community version, in term of service availability, data persistence and service observability, etc.

Cost Optimization

The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the solution is much lower than SaaS products of the same kind. You only pay for the used cloud resources on demand.

Cost Optimization

The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the solution is much lower than SaaS products of the same kind. You only pay for the used cloud resources on demand.

Serverless Architecture

You do not need to operate and maintain cloud compute resources. The architecture built on Amazon ECS Fargate, Amazon EFS, and Amazon Cloud Map allows you to focus more on business itself and data-driven decision-making, without worrying about service availability and data persistence.

Serverless Architecture

You do not need to operate and maintain cloud compute resources. The architecture built on Amazon ECS Fargate, Amazon EFS, and Amazon Cloud Map allows you to focus more on business itself and data-driven decision-making, without worrying about service availability and data persistence.

Amazon Web Services Solution overview

The solution offers a scalable, distributed, serverless architecture allowing you to rapidly build up Apache Superset in the Amazon Cloud. 

The diagram below shows the solution architecture. You can launch the solution using the Amazon CloudFormation template and follow the deployment guide to set up and use the solution.

The solution uses Amazon CloudFormation to provide the automated deployment of Apache Superset. It consists of the following modules:

- Amazon VPC: Provides a safe, flexible and reliable virtual network to allow the two-way flow of business data

- Amazon ECS: Amazon ECS Fargate, a serverless computing engine, achieves load isolation and enables resource scheduling for each core component of Apache Superset

- Amazon EFS: Provides scalable, flexible, and secure NAS to store business metadata, query cache and other data

- Amazon Cloud Map: Implements service discovery and query of each core component of Apache Superset

After deploying the solution, you can find the address of the Apache Superset console in the Output tab in the CloudFormation. With the address, you can log into the console and connect to your existing data sources to start data query and data visualization. 

Built-in data source drivers include: SQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Amazon ElasticSearch, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, Clickhouse.

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