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Amazon CloudWatch Pricing


Free Tier

CloudWatch Free Tier is available in the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD and Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region operated by Sinnet. The Free Tier includes 10 Custom Metrics and 10 standard-resolution metric Alarms, 1,000,000 API Requests, 5GB of Log Data Ingestion and 5GB of Log Data Archive; 100 canary runs per month for Synthetics; 3 Dashboards with up to 50 Metrics Each per Month.

Amazon CloudWatch Custom Metrics - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

¥ 2.0000 per metric per month for the first 10,000 metrics

¥ 0.6673 per metric per month for the next 240,000 metrics

¥ 0.3337 per metric per month for the next 750,000 metrics

¥ 0.1335 per metric per month for metrics over 1,000,000

Detailed Monitoring for Amazon EC2 Instances - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

¥ 14.0000 down to ¥ 0.9345 per instance per month at 1-minute frequency***

*** Detailed Monitoring is priced as 7 custom metrics per EC2 instance, prorated by the hour and metered only when the instance sends metrics to CloudWatch.

Amazon CloudWatch Alarms - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

¥ 0.622 per standard-resolution (60 seconds) alarm metric per month

¥ 2.036 per high-resolution (10 seconds) alarm metric per month

¥ 3.480 per composite alarm per month

¥ 0.622 per metric analyzed by a Metrics Insights query alarm (at 60 seconds standard-resolution) per month

Each anomaly detection alarm is priced per alarm-metric, plus two additional alarm-metrics for the upper and lower bound of expected behavior.

Amazon CloudWatch API Requests - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

¥ 0.0622 per 1,000 GetMetricStatistics, PutMetricData or ListMetrics API requests

¥ 0.0651 per 1,000 metrics requested using GetMetricData API*

*The price for requesting one metric using GetMetricData API is ¥ 0.0000651 and you can request up to five statistics for the same metric in a single GetMetricData API without additional charges.

Amazon CloudWatch Metric Streams - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

CloudWatch Metric Streams pricing is based on the number of metric updates. A metric update includes four default statistics; Minimum, Maximum, Sample Count and Sum. Each additional five statistics requested for a specific metric, are billed as an additional metric update. You will also incur additional Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose charges for data ingestion --- for details see the Kinesis Data Firehose pricing page. You may also incur additional charges depending on your use case and final Kinesis Data Firehose destination. For example: (1) when sending data to a HTTP endpoint or cross-region, data transfer out from CloudWatch Metric Streams is priced equivalent to the "Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 to Internet" and "Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 To" tables on the EC2 pricing page, and (2) when making additional format conversions within Kinesis Data Firehose, such as configuring your Firehose delivery stream to convert the incoming data into Apache Parquet.

Metric Streams Pricing: ¥ 0.01953 per 1,000 metric updates using Metric Streams

Amazon Cross-account Observability - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

Amazon CloudWatch cross-account observability, an addition to CloudWatch’s unified observability capability, introduces two account categories: Monitoring account and source account. For details, see the Amazon CloudWatch cross-account observability documentation.

Amazon CloudWatch cross-account observability comes with no extra cost for logs and metrics. CloudWatch delivers the first trace copy stored in the first monitoring account with no extra cost. Any trace copies sent to additional monitoring accounts are billed to the source accounts for the traces recorded based on Amazon X-Ray pricing. Standard CloudWatch rates apply for the features used in monitoring accounts, such as CloudWatch Dashboards, Alarms, Logs Insights queries or Metric Streams.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs

China (Ningxia) Region

Collect (Data Ingestion)
Standard ¥ 6.228 per GB ingested*
Infrequent Access ¥ 3.114 per GB ingested*

¥ 0.244 per GB archived per month

Data Transfer OUT from CloudWatch Logs is priced equivalent to the “Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 To” and “Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 to Internet” tables on the EC2 Pricing Page.

* There is no Data Transfer IN charge for any of CloudWatch.

Amazon CloudWatch Vended Logs - China (Ningxia) Region

Standard Infrequent Access
¥ 6.228 per GB log data ingested for the first 10TB ¥ 3.11 per GB log data ingested for the first 10TB
¥ 3.114 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB ¥ 1.87 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 1.2456 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB ¥ 0.99 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 0.6228 per GB log data ingested over 50TB ¥ 0.62 per GB log data ingested over 50TB

Vended logs are logs that are natively published by Amazon Web Services services on behalf of the customer. VPC Flow logs is the first Vended log type that will benefit from this tiered model. However, more Amazon Web Services Service log types will be added to Vended Log type in the future. 

China (Beijing) Region

Collect (Data Ingestion)
Standard ¥ 6.92 per GB ingested*
Infrequent Access ¥ 3.46 per GB ingested*

¥ 0.244 per GB archived per month

Data Transfer OUT from CloudWatch Logs is priced equivalent to the “Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 To” and “Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 to Internet” tables on the EC2 Pricing Page.

* There is no Data Transfer IN charge for any of CloudWatch.

Amazon CloudWatch Vended Logs - China (Beijing) Region

Standard Infrequent Access
¥ 6.92 per GB log data ingested for the first 10TB ¥ 3.46 per GB log data ingested for the first 10TB
¥ 3.46 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB ¥ 2.07 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 1.38 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB ¥ 1.11 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 0.69 per GB log data ingested over 50TB ¥ 0.69 per GB log data ingested over 50TB

Vended logs are logs that are natively published by Amazon Web Services services on behalf of the customer. VPC Flow logs is the first Vended log type that will benefit from this tiered model. However, more Amazon Web Services Service log types will be added to Vended Log type in the future.  

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights

China (Beijing) Region

                ¥ 0.06296 per GB of data scanned

China (Ningxia) Region

                ¥ 0.06228 per GB of data scanned

Amazon CloudWatch Events - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

¥ 6.75 per million custom events generated

For Amazon CloudWatch metrics and alarms, each partial month is billed on a pro rata basis, hourly.

Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

We provide 3 free Dashboards in China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions for up to 50 metrics per month.

After that, it will be charged ¥ 20.36 per Dashboard per month.

Amazon CloudWatch Synthetic Canaries

China (Beijing) Region

            ¥0.0178 per canary run

China (Ningxia) Region

            ¥0.0156 per canary run

Additional charges
For each canary run, you may incur additional charges for other Amazon Web Services services utilized such as Amazon Lambda, Amazon S3, and CloudWatch Logs. For details on Amazon Web Services service pricing, see the pricing section of the relevant Amazon Web Services service detail pages.

Deliver logs to S3

China (Beijing) Region

¥ 3.46 per GB log data ingested for the first 10TB
¥ 2.07 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 1.11 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 0.69 per GB log data ingested over 50TB

Additional charges
Format Converted to Apache Parquet - China (Beijing) Region
¥ 0.415 per GB*
* When log data is delivered to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet format, Apache Parquet conversion charges will apply. These charges are in addition to the Deliver logs to S3 charges. Currently, the only log source supported for delivery to Amazon S3 in an Apache Parquet format is VPC Flow Logs.

China (Ningxia) Region

¥ 3.11 per GB log data ingested for the first 10TB
¥ 1.87 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 0.99 per GB log data ingested for the next 20TB
¥ 0.62 per GB log data ingested over 50TB

Additional charges
Format Converted to Apache Parquet - China (Ningxia) Region
¥ 0.374 per GB*
* When log data is delivered to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet format, Apache Parquet conversion charges will apply. These charges are in addition to the Deliver logs to S3 charges. Currently, the only log source supported for delivery to Amazon S3 in an Apache Parquet format is VPC Flow Logs.

Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS (New)

Container Insights introduces enhanced observability for Amazon EKS that enables to opt-in at cluster level to collect container level EKS performance metrics, Kube-state metrics, and EKS control plane metrics out-of-the box, using a new, observation based tiered pricing model. An observation corresponds to a data point ingested at a single timestamp and unifies the existing two price dimensions of metric storage and logs ingestion into one.

Tiers (Observations per month) Cost (per Million Observations)
First 1,000,000,000 ¥ 1.40
Next 3,000,000,000 ¥ 1.20
Over 4,000,000,000 ¥ 0.67

In Container Insights with enhanced observability, you will be charged based on the number of observations across your container environment where the total number of observations ingested is dependent on your container set-up including the number of container components. At a typical set-up your average distribution for observations will be

Average number of observations per each EKS container layer
  Cluster Node Namespace Service Workload Pod Container
Observations 1,720 68 2 2 7 130 21

Container Insights with cluster and service level aggregated metrics for Amazon EKS and K8s without enhanced observability

Container Insights metrics are ingested in structured performance logs format and extracted into CloudWatch as Custom Metrics

CloudWatch metrics

CloudWatch metrics are aggregated by pod, service, and namespace using their name. Increasing the count of running instances will not impact the count of CloudWatch metrics generated. All CloudWatch metrics are prorated on an hourly basis and charged by custom metric pricing. There is a predefined number of metrics reported for every cluster, node, pod, and service

Predefined number of metrics per each EKS container layer
  Cluster Node Service Pod
Metrics 24 8 6 9

CloudWatch Logs

For Kubernetes, there is an average logs size ingested for every cluster, node, namespace, pod, container and service. 

Average logs sizes ingested per month for each EKS container component
  Cluster Namespace Service Node Pod
Logs (GB) per month 0.01621 0.0185 0.02182 0.21365 0.45845

The cost of logs ingested will vary based on names used for your cluster, container, pod, service, instance names, labels, etc and charged by custom logs ingestion pricing.

Container Insights with cluster and service level aggregated metrics for Amazon ECS without enhanced observability

Container Insights metrics are ingested in structured performance logs format and extracted into CloudWatch as Custom Metrics

CloudWatch metrics

CloudWatch metrics are aggregated by task and service using their name. Increasing the count of running instances will not impact the count of CloudWatch metrics generated. All CloudWatch metrics are prorated on an hourly basis charged by custom metric pricing.. There is a predefined number of metrics reported for every cluster, task, and service.

Predefined number of metrics per each ECS container layer
  Cluster Service Task
Metrics 8 11 6

CloudWatch Logs

For Amazon ECS, there is an average logs size ingested for every cluster, service, task and container. 

Average logs sizes ingested per month for each ECS container component
  Cluster Service Task Container
Logs (GB) per month 0.0179 0.02769 0.06288 0.04159

The cost of logs ingested will vary based on names used for your cluster, container, pod, service, instance names, labels, etc. and charged by custom logs ingestion pricing.

Amazon CloudWatch Contributor Insights - China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions

CloudWatch Contributor Insights for CloudWatch Logs

        ¥ 3.52 per rule per month
        ¥ 0.27 per one million log events that match the rule per month

CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB

        ¥ 3.52 per rule per month
        ¥ 0.28 per one million events that match the rule per month 

Composite Alarms Pricing

Example 11 - Alarming with composite alarms

Composite alarms can combine any type of CloudWatch alarm. Metric alarms are billed based on the number of metrics per alarm, while composite alarms are billed per alarm unit. One composite alarm costs ¥3.480 per month, regardless of the number of metric alarms it combines.

If you create one composite alarm that combines four standard resolution metric alarms, your monthly bill is calculated as follows:

Four standard resolution alarms = ¥0.622 per alarm metric * 4 = ¥2.488 per month

One composite alarm = ¥3.480 per month

Monthly CloudWatch charges = ¥2.488 + ¥3.480 = ¥5.968 per month

Monitoring with Lambda Insights

If you monitor 1 Lambda function that is invoked 1M times per month, your costs would be as follows:

CloudWatch metrics
There is a predefined number of metrics reported for every function. Every function reports 8 metrics. CloudWatch metrics are aggregated by function using their name. All CloudWatch metrics are prorated on an hourly basis. If your function is invoked less than once per hour, your function will only be billed for the hours that it is invoked.

There are no minimum fees or mandatory service usage. If the function is not invoked, you do not pay.

Monthly number of CloudWatch metrics per function
= 8 metrics * 1 function
= 8 CloudWatch metrics

Monthly CloudWatch metrics costs = ¥ 2.0000 per metric for first 10,000 metrics * 8 metrics = ¥ 16.0000

Once you exceed 10,000 total metrics in your account then volume pricing tiers will apply. See metrics pricing for details.

CloudWatch Logs
A single log event is generated for each function invoke. The size of each log event is approximately 1.1 KB.

Monthly GB of CloudWatch Logs ingested = (1.1 KB/1024/1024) GB * 1,000,000 invokes per month = 1.05 GB per month 

China (Ningxia) Region

Monthly ingested logs costs = ¥ 6.2280 per GB of ingested logs * 1.05 GB of performance events as CloudWatch Logs = ¥ 6.5390 per month

Monthly CloudWatch costs = ¥ 16.0000 + ¥ 6.5390 = ¥ 22.5394 per month.

China (Beijing) Region

Monthly ingested logs costs = ¥ 6.92 per GB of ingested logs * 1.05 GB of performance events as CloudWatch Logs = ¥ 7.2660 per month

Monthly CloudWatch costs = ¥ 16.0000 + ¥ 7.2660 = ¥ 23.2660 per month.


Cost per month

Standard Resolution (60 sec)

¥0.622 per alarm metric

High Resolution (10 sec)

¥2.036 per alarm metric

Standard Resolution Anomaly Detection

¥1.866 per alarm

High Resolution Anomaly Detection

¥6.108 per alarm


¥3.480 per alarm

Hot Contact Us

Hotline Contact Us

1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD