Get Started by Platform

The Amplify Framework provides a powerful toolchain and flexible libraries to create, build, maintain and connect cloud-powered iOS, Android, Web, and React Native applications with AppSync and other Amazon Web Services services. Click on the following links to access documentation on using the Amplify Framework with AppSync on different platforms:


AppSync Developer Guide

Start here to understand the basics of AppSync, see example tutorials, and more.

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AppSync API Reference

View the details about the API actions and data types we support and example request/responses for each API endpoint.

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Amplify Framework Documentation

GraphQL Transform

Use the Amplify CLI to quickly create and configure fully fledged application backends (powered by AppSync and other Amazon Web Services services) simply by adding directives to a GraphQL schema.

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Local Mocking

Use the Amplify CLI’s local mocking feature to run AppSync locally from your laptop. Speed up development, and easily test, prototype, debug and generate code based on backend resources defined by the GraphQL Transform.

Learn more »

Developer Community


Visit our AppSync GitHub Community repository for more tutorials, videos, sample projects and tools.


Read AppSync articles from the developer community at the Amplify Community site

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