China (Beijing) region


  • On-Demand ML Notebook Instances


    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t2.medium 0.5964 CNY
    ml.t2.large 1.1914 CNY
    ml.t2.xlarge 2.3744 CNY
    ml.t2.2xlarge 4.7488 CNY
    ml.t3.medium 0.3681 CNY
    ml.t3.large 0.7361 CNY
    ml.t3.xlarge 1.4721 CNY
    ml.t3.2xlarge 2.9443 CNY
    ml.m4.xlarge 3.941 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 7.874 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 15.747 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 39.369 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 62.993 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.836 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 5.674 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 11.348 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 34.044 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 68.088 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 3.175 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 6.349 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 12.699 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 25.397 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 2.071 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 4.14 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 8.281 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 18.633 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 37.264 CNY
    ml.c5d.xlarge 2.549 CNY
    ml.c5d.2xlarge 5.099 CNY
    ml.c5d.4xlarge 10.198 CNY
    ml.c5d.9xlarge 22.945 CNY
    ml.c5d.18xlarge 45.891 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.p2.xlarge 11.672 CNY
    ml.p2.8xlarge 93.379 CNY
    ml.p2.16xlarge 186.759 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 50.509 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 202.04 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 404.078 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 7.312 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 10.455 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 16.738 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 30.253 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 54.389 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 60.505 CNY


    Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebook Instances
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t3.medium 0.3681 CNY
    ml.t3.large 0.7361 CNY
    ml.t3.xlarge 1.4721 CNY
    ml.t3.2xlarge 2.9443 CNY
    ml.m5.large 1.418 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.836 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 5.674 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 11.348 CNY
    ml.m5.8xlarge 22.695 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 34.044 CNY
    ml.m5.16xlarge 45.392 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 68.088 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c5.large 1.035 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 2.071 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 4.14 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 8.281 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 18.633 CNY
    ml.c5.12xlarge 24.843 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 37.264 CNY
    ml.c5.24xlarge 49.686 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 7.312 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 10.455 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 16.738 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 30.253 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 54.389 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 60.505 CNY
    ml.p2.xlarge 11.672 CNY
    ml.p2.8xlarge 93.379 CNY
    ml.p2.16xlarge 186.759 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 50.509 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 202.04 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 404.078 CNY
  • Amazon SageMaker Processing Jobs
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t3.medium 0.2892 CNY
    ml.t3.large 0.5784 CNY
    ml.t3.xlarge 1.1567 CNY
    ml.t3.2xlarge 2.3134 CNY
    ml.m4.xlarge 3.097 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 6.186 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 12.373 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 30.933 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 49.495 CNY
    ml.m5.large 1.114 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.229 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 4.458 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 8.917 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 26.749 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 53.497 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 2.495 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 4.989 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 9.978 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 19.955 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.627 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 14.64 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 29.279 CNY
    Memory Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.r5.large 1.341 CNY
    ml.r5.xlarge 2.681 CNY
    ml.r5.2xlarge 5.361 CNY
    ml.r5.4xlarge 10.724 CNY
    ml.r5.8xlarge 21.447 CNY
    ml.r5.12xlarge 32.171 CNY
    ml.r5.16xlarge 42.895 CNY
    ml.r5.24xlarge 64.341 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.p2.xlarge 11.672 CNY
    ml.p2.8xlarge 93.379 CNY
    ml.p2.16xlarge 186.759 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 39.686 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 158.745 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 317.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 7.312 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 10.455 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 16.738 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 30.253 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 54.389 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 60.505 CNY
    ML Storage Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage  1.044 CNY
    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        1.044 CNY
  • Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m5.4xlarge 10.133 CNY
    Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler Jobs
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m5.4xlarge 10.133 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 30.396 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 60.793 CNY
    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.933 CNY
  • Amazon SageMaker Feature Store
    Read and write requests
    Charge Type Price
    Write request units (on-demand) 11.1538 CNY per million write request units
    Read request units (on-demand) 2.2308 CNY per million read request units
    Write capacity units (provisioned) 0.0058 CNY per WCU per hour
    Read capacity units (provisioned) 0.00116 CNY per RCU per hour
    Data Storage
    SageMaker Feature Store charges for data stored in the online store based on per GB of data stored per month
    Charge Type Price
    Online Storage 3.960 CNY per GB-month
    Data Transfer
    Data transfer IN  
    All data transfer in 0.000 CNY per GB
    Data transfer OUT  
    All data transfer out 0.933 CNY per GB (promotional)


    • Data transfer “in” and “out” refers to transfer into and out of Amazon SageMaker. There is no additional charge for data transferred between Amazon SageMaker and other services within the same Amazon Web Services Region (in other words, 0.00 CNY per GB)
    • Data transfer out rate sizes aggregate outbound data transfer across Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon Storage Gateway, and Amazon VPC.
  • On-Demand ML Training Instances
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m4.xlarge 3.097 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 6.186 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 12.373 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 30.933 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 49.495 CNY
    ml.m5.large 1.114 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.229 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 4.458 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 8.917 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 26.749 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 53.497 CNY
    Compute Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 2.495 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 4.989 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 9.978 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 19.955 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.627 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 14.64 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 29.279 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g5.xlarge 13.3194 CNY
    ml.g5.2xlarge 14.3276 CNY
    ml.g5.4xlarge 19.198 CNY
    ml.g5.8xlarge 28.9389 CNY
    ml.g5.12xlarge 67.0512 CNY
    ml.g5.16xlarge 48.4206 CNY
    ml.g5.24xlarge 96.2737 CNY
    ml.g5.48xlarge 192.5474 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 7.312 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 10.455 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 16.738 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 30.253 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 54.389 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 60.505 CNY
    ml.p2.xlarge 11.672 CNY
    ml.p2.8xlarge 93.379 CNY
    ml.p2.16xlarge 186.759 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 39.686 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 158.745 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 317.49 CNY
    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        1.044 CNY
  • On-Demand ML Hosting Instances for Real-Time Inference
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t2.medium 0.4686 CNY
    ml.t2.large 0.9361 CNY
    ml.t2.2xlarge 3.7312 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 6.186 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 12.373 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 30.933 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 49.495 CNY
    ml.m5.large 1.114 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.229 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 4.458 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 8.917 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 26.749 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 53.497 CNY
    ml.m5d.large 1.4 CNY
    ml.m5d.xlarge 2.802 CNY
    ml.m5d.2xlarge 5.602 CNY
    ml.m5d.4xlarge 11.206 CNY
    ml.m5d.12xlarge 33.617 CNY
    ml.m5d.24xlarge 67.233 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.large 1.247 CNY
    ml.c4.xlarge 2.495 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 4.989 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 9.978 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 19.955 CNY
    ml.c5.large 0.813 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.627 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 14.64 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 29.279 CNY
    ml.c5d.large 1.002 CNY
    ml.c5d.xlarge 2.003 CNY
    ml.c5d.2xlarge 4.006 CNY
    ml.c5d.4xlarge 8.012 CNY
    ml.c5d.9xlarge 18.028 CNY
    ml.c5d.18xlarge 36.057 CNY
    Memory Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.r5.large 1.341 CNY
    ml.r5.xlarge 2.681 CNY
    ml.r5.2xlarge 5.361 CNY
    ml.r5.4xlarge 10.724 CNY
    ml.r5.12xlarge 32.171 CNY
    ml.r5.24xlarge 64.341 CNY
    ml.r5d.large 1.627 CNY
    ml.r5d.xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.r5d.2xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.r5d.4xlarge 13.013 CNY
    ml.r5d.12xlarge 39.039 CNY
    ml.r5d.24xlarge 78.077 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g5.xlarge 13.3194 CNY
    ml.g5.2xlarge 14.3276 CNY
    ml.g5.4xlarge 19.198 CNY
    ml.g5.8xlarge 28.9389 CNY
    ml.g5.12xlarge 67.0512 CNY
    ml.g5.16xlarge 48.4206 CNY
    ml.g5.24xlarge 96.2737 CNY
    ml.g5.48xlarge 192.5474 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 7.312 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 10.455 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 16.738 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 30.253 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 54.389 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 60.505 CNY
    ml.p2.xlarge 11.672 CNY
    ml.p2.8xlarge 93.379 CNY
    ml.p2.16xlarge 186.759 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 39.686 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 158.745 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 317.49 CNY
    On-Demand ML Instances for Batch Transform
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m4.xlarge 3.097 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 6.186 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 12.373 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 30.933 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 49.495 CNY
    ml.m5.large 1.114 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.229 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 4.458 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 8.917 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 26.749 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 53.497 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 2.495 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 4.989 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 9.978 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 19.955 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.627 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 14.64 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 29.279 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.p3.2xlarge 39.686 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 158.745 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 317.49 CNY
    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        1.044 CNY
    Data Processing
    Data Processed IN 0.112 CNY per GB
    Data Processed OUT
    0.112 CNY per GB
  • On-Demand ML Hosting Instances for Asynchornous Inference


    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t2.medium 0.4686 CNY
    ml.t2.large 0.9361 CNY
    ml.t2.2xlarge 3.7312 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 6.186 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 12.373 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 30.933 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 49.495 CNY
    ml.m5.large 1.114 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 2.229 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 4.458 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 8.917 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 26.749 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 53.497 CNY
    ml.m5d.large 1.4 CNY
    ml.m5d.xlarge 2.802 CNY
    ml.m5d.2xlarge 5.602 CNY
    ml.m5d.4xlarge 11.206 CNY
    ml.m5d.12xlarge 33.617 CNY
    ml.m5d.24xlarge 67.233 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.large 1.247 CNY
    ml.c4.xlarge 2.495 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 4.989 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 9.978 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 19.955 CNY
    ml.c5.large 0.813 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.627 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 14.64 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 29.279 CNY
    ml.c5d.large 1.002 CNY
    ml.c5d.xlarge 2.003 CNY
    ml.c5d.2xlarge 4.006 CNY
    ml.c5d.4xlarge 8.012 CNY
    ml.c5d.9xlarge 18.028 CNY
    ml.c5d.18xlarge 36.057 CNY
    Memory Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.r5.large 1.341 CNY
    ml.r5.xlarge 2.681 CNY
    ml.r5.2xlarge 5.361 CNY
    ml.r5.4xlarge 10.724 CNY
    ml.r5.12xlarge 32.171 CNY
    ml.r5.24xlarge 64.341 CNY
    ml.r5d.large 1.627 CNY
    ml.r5d.xlarge 3.253 CNY
    ml.r5d.2xlarge 6.507 CNY
    ml.r5d.4xlarge 13.013 CNY
    ml.r5d.12xlarge 39.039 CNY
    ml.r5d.24xlarge 78.077 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g5.xlarge 13.3194 CNY
    ml.g5.2xlarge 14.3276 CNY
    ml.g5.4xlarge 19.198 CNY
    ml.g5.8xlarge 28.9389 CNY
    ml.g5.12xlarge 67.0512 CNY
    ml.g5.16xlarge 48.4206 CNY
    ml.g5.24xlarge 96.2737 CNY
    ml.g5.48xlarge 192.5474 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 7.312 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 10.455 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 16.738 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 30.253 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 54.389 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 60.505 CNY
    ml.p2.xlarge 11.672 CNY
    ml.p2.8xlarge 93.379 CNY
    ml.p2.16xlarge 186.759 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 39.686 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 158.745 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 317.49 CNY
    ML Storage Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.93 CNY
    Data Processing Price per GB-month
    Data Processed IN 0.112 CNY
    Data Processed OUT 0.112 CNY

China (Ningxia) region


  • On-Demand ML Notebook Instances
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t2.medium 0.5291 CNY
    ml.t2.large 1.0581 CNY
    ml.t2.xlarge 2.1162 CNY
    ml.t2.2xlarge 4.2325 CNY
    ml.t3.medium 0.2684 CNY
    ml.t3.large 0.5368 CNY
    ml.t3.xlarge 1.0735 CNY
    ml.t3.2xlarge 2.1469 CNY
    ml.m4.xlarge 2.262 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 4.524 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 9.048 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 22.619 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 36.191 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 22.772 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 45.545 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 15.182 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.38 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.761 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 5.52 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 12.421 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 24.843 CNY
    ml.c5d.xlarge 1.667 CNY
    ml.c5d.2xlarge 3.335 CNY
    ml.c5d.4xlarge 6.671 CNY
    ml.c5d.9xlarge 15.009 CNY
    ml.c5d.18xlarge 30.019 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.p3.2xlarge 33.949 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 135.792 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 271.583 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 5.195 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 7.427 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 11.89 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 21.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 38.634 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 42.98 CNY
    Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebook Instances
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t3.medium 0.2684 CNY
    ml.t3.large 0.5368 CNY
    ml.t3.xlarge 1.0735 CNY
    ml.t3.2xlarge 2.1469 CNY
    ml.m5.large 0.949 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.m5.8xlarge 15.182 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 22.772 CNY
    ml.m5.16xlarge 30.363 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 45.545 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 22.772 CNY
    ml.m5.16xlarge 30.363 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 45.545 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c5.large 0.69 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.38 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.761 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 5.52 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 12.421 CNY
    ml.c5.12xlarge 16.562 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 24.843 CNY
    ml.c5.24xlarge 33.124 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 5.195 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 7.427 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 11.89 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 21.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 38.634 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 42.98 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 33.949 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 135.792 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 271.583 CNY
  • Amazon SageMaker Processing Jobs
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t3.medium 0.2684 CNY
    ml.t3.large 0.5368 CNY
    ml.t3.xlarge 1.0735 CNY
    ml.t3.2xlarge 2.1469 CNY
    ml.m4.xlarge 2.262 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 4.524 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 9.048 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 22.619 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 36.191 CNY
    ml.m5.large 0.949 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 22.772 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 45.545 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 15.182 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.38 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.761 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 5.52 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 12.421 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 24.843 CNY
    Memory Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.r5.large 1.236 CNY
    ml.r5.xlarge 2.472 CNY
    ml.r5.2xlarge 4.946 CNY
    ml.r5.4xlarge 9.891 CNY
    ml.r5.8xlarge 19.782 CNY
    ml.r5.12xlarge 29.673 CNY
    ml.r5.16xlarge 39.564 CNY
    ml.r5.24xlarge 59.346 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.p3.2xlarge 26.674 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 106.693 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 213.387 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 5.195 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 7.427 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 11.89 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 21.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 38.634 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 42.98 CNY
    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.93 CNY
  • Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m5.4xlarge 6.778 CNY


    Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler Jobs
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m5.4xlarge 6.778 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 20.333 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 40.665 CNY

    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.830 CNY
  • Amazon SageMaker Feature Store
    Read and write requests
    Charge Type Price
    Write request units (on-demand) 11.1538 CNY per million write request units
    Read request units (on-demand) 2.2308 CNY per million read request units
    Write capacity units (provisioned) 0.0058 CNY per WCU per hour
    Read capacity units (provisioned) 0.00116 CNY per RCU per hour
    Data Storage
    SageMaker Feature Store charges for data stored in the online store based on per GB of data stored per month
    Charge Type Price
    Online Storage 3.960 CNY per GB-month


    Data Transfer
    Data transfer IN  
    All data transfer in 0.000 CNY per GB
    Data transfer OUT  
    All data transfer out 0.933 CNY per GB (promotional)
    • Data transfer “in” and “out” refers to transfer into and out of Amazon SageMaker. There is no additional charge for data transferred between Amazon SageMaker and other services within the same Amazon Web Services Region (in other words, 0.00 CNY per GB).
    • Data transfer out rate sizes aggregate outbound data transfer across Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon Storage Gateway, and Amazon VPC.
  • On-Demand ML Training Instances
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m4.xlarge 2.262 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 4.524 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 9.048 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 22.619 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 36.191 CNY
    ml.m5.large 0.949 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 22.772 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 45.545 CNY
    Compute Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 15.182 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.38 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.761 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 5.52 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 12.421 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 24.843 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g5.xlarge 9.3812 CNY
    ml.g5.2xlarge 10.0913 CNY
    ml.g5.4xlarge 13.5216 CNY
    ml.g5.8xlarge 20.3824 CNY
    ml.g5.12xlarge 47.2258 CNY
    ml.g5.16xlarge 34.1038 CNY
    ml.g5.24xlarge 67.808 CNY
    ml.g5.48xlarge 135.6159 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 5.195 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 7.427 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 11.89 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 21.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 38.634 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 42.98 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 26.674 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 106.693 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 213.387 CNY
    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.93 CNY
  • On-Demand ML Hosting Instances for Real-Time Inference
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t2.medium 0.4157 CNY
    ml.t2.large 0.8314 CNY
    ml.t2.2xlarge 3.3255 CNY
    ml.m4.xlarge 1.777 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 3.554 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 7.109 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 17.772 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 28.436 CNY
    ml.m5.large 0.746 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.492 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 2.982 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 5.964 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 17.893 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 35.785 CNY
    ml.m5d.large 0.911 CNY
    ml.m5d.xlarge 1.823 CNY
    ml.m5d.2xlarge 3.644 CNY
    ml.m5d.4xlarge 7.29 CNY
    ml.m5d.12xlarge 21.869 CNY
    ml.m5d.24xlarge 43.738 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.large 0.746 CNY
    ml.c4.xlarge 1.492 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 2.982 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 5.964 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 11.928 CNY
    ml.c5.large 0.542 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.085 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.169 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 4.337 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 9.759 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 19.52 CNY
    ml.c5d.large 0.656 CNY
    ml.c5d.xlarge 1.31 CNY
    ml.c5d.2xlarge 2.62 CNY
    ml.c5d.4xlarge 5.242 CNY
    ml.c5d.9xlarge 11.793 CNY
    ml.c5d.18xlarge 23.586 CNY
    Memory Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.r5.large 0.971 CNY
    ml.r5.xlarge 1.943 CNY
    ml.r5.2xlarge 3.886 CNY
    ml.r5.4xlarge 7.772 CNY
    ml.r5.12xlarge 23.315 CNY
    ml.r5.24xlarge 46.629 CNY
    ml.r5d.large 1.137 CNY
    ml.r5d.xlarge 2.274 CNY
    ml.r5d.2xlarge 4.549 CNY
    ml.r5d.4xlarge 9.097 CNY
    ml.r5d.12xlarge 27.291 CNY
    ml.r5d.24xlarge 54.582 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g5.xlarge 9.3812 CNY
    ml.g5.2xlarge 10.0913 CNY
    ml.g5.4xlarge 13.5216 CNY
    ml.g5.8xlarge 20.3824 CNY
    ml.g5.12xlarge 47.2258 CNY
    ml.g5.16xlarge 34.1038 CNY
    ml.g5.24xlarge 67.808 CNY
    ml.g5.48xlarge 135.6159 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 5.195 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 7.427 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 11.89 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 21.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 38.634 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 42.98 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 30.311 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 116.393 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 223.086 CNY
    ml.inf1.xlarge 2.10 CNY
    ml.inf1.2xlarge 3.33 CNY
    ml.inf1.6xlarge 10.85 CNY
    ml.inf1.24xlarge 43.39 CNY
    On-Demand ML Instances for Batch Transform
    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.m4.xlarge 2.262 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 4.524 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 9.048 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 22.619 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 36.191 CNY
    ml.m5.large 0.949 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 22.772 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 45.545 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.xlarge 1.898 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 3.795 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 7.591 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 15.182 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.38 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.761 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 5.52 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 12.421 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 24.843 CNY

    ML Storage
      Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.93 CNY
    Data Processing
    Data Processed IN 0.112 CNY per GB
    Data Processed OUT
    0.112 CNY per GB
  • On-Demand ML Hosting Instances for Asynchornous Inference


    Standard Instances - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.t2.medium 0.4157 CNY
    ml.t2.large 0.8314 CNY
    ml.t2.2xlarge 3.3255 CNY
    ml.m4.xlarge 1.777 CNY
    ml.m4.2xlarge 3.554 CNY
    ml.m4.4xlarge 7.109 CNY
    ml.m4.10xlarge 17.772 CNY
    ml.m4.16xlarge 28.436 CNY
    ml.m5.large 0.746 CNY
    ml.m5.xlarge 1.492 CNY
    ml.m5.2xlarge 2.982 CNY
    ml.m5.4xlarge 5.964 CNY
    ml.m5.12xlarge 17.893 CNY
    ml.m5.24xlarge 35.785 CNY
    ml.m5d.large 0.911 CNY
    ml.m5d.xlarge 1.823 CNY
    ml.m5d.2xlarge 3.644 CNY
    ml.m5d.4xlarge 7.29 CNY
    ml.m5d.12xlarge 21.869 CNY
    ml.m5d.24xlarge 43.738 CNY
    Compute Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.c4.large 0.746 CNY
    ml.c4.xlarge 1.492 CNY
    ml.c4.2xlarge 2.982 CNY
    ml.c4.4xlarge 5.964 CNY
    ml.c4.8xlarge 11.928 CNY
    ml.c5.large 0.542 CNY
    ml.c5.xlarge 1.085 CNY
    ml.c5.2xlarge 2.169 CNY
    ml.c5.4xlarge 4.337 CNY
    ml.c5.9xlarge 9.759 CNY
    ml.c5.18xlarge 19.52 CNY
    ml.c5d.large 0.656 CNY
    ml.c5d.xlarge 1.31 CNY
    ml.c5d.2xlarge 2.62 CNY
    ml.c5d.4xlarge 5.242 CNY
    ml.c5d.9xlarge 11.793 CNY
    ml.c5d.18xlarge 23.586 CNY
    Memory Optimized - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.r5.large 0.971 CNY
    ml.r5.xlarge 1.943 CNY
    ml.r5.2xlarge 3.886 CNY
    ml.r5.4xlarge 7.772 CNY
    ml.r5.12xlarge 23.315 CNY
    ml.r5.24xlarge 46.629 CNY
    ml.r5d.large 1.137 CNY
    ml.r5d.xlarge 2.274 CNY
    ml.r5d.2xlarge 4.549 CNY
    ml.r5d.4xlarge 9.097 CNY
    ml.r5d.12xlarge 27.291 CNY
    ml.r5d.24xlarge 54.582 CNY
    Accelerated Computing - Current Generation Price per Hour
    ml.g5.xlarge 9.3812 CNY
    ml.g5.2xlarge 10.0913 CNY
    ml.g5.4xlarge 13.5216 CNY
    ml.g5.8xlarge 20.3824 CNY
    ml.g5.12xlarge 47.2258 CNY
    ml.g5.16xlarge 34.1038 CNY
    ml.g5.24xlarge 67.808 CNY
    ml.g5.48xlarge 135.6159 CNY
    ml.g4dn.xlarge 5.195 CNY
    ml.g4dn.2xlarge 7.427 CNY
    ml.g4dn.4xlarge 11.89 CNY
    ml.g4dn.8xlarge 21.49 CNY
    ml.g4dn.12xlarge 38.634 CNY
    ml.g4dn.16xlarge 42.98 CNY
    ml.p3.2xlarge 30.311 CNY
    ml.p3.8xlarge 116.393 CNY
    ml.p3.16xlarge 223.086 CNY
    ML Storage Price per GB-month
    General Purpose (SSD) Storage        0.93 CNY
    Data Processing Price per GB-month
    Data Processed IN 0.112 CNY
    Data Processed OUT 0.112 CNY

Pricing Examples

Pricing Example #1: Processing

Amazon SageMaker Processing only charges you for the instances used while your jobs are executing. When you provide the input data for processing in Amazon S3, Amazon SageMaker downloads the data from Amazon S3 to local file storage at the start of a processing job in the China (Beijing) region.The data analyst runs a Processing job to preprocess and validate data on two ml.m5.4xlarge instances for a job duration of 10 minutes. She uploads a dataset of 100 GB in S3 as input for the processing job, and the output data which is roughly the same size is stored back in S3.

Hours  Processing Instances Cost per hour Total
1 * 2 * 0.167 = 0.334 ml.m5.4xlarge ¥ 8.917 ¥ 2.978
General Purpose (SSD) Storage (GB)  Cost per hour Total
100 GB * 2 = 200 ¥ 1.044

¥ 0.0242

The sub-total for Amazon SageMaker Processing job = ¥ 2.978;
The sub-total for 200 GB of general purpose SSD storage = ¥ 0.0242;
The total price for this example would be ¥ 3.0022.

Pricing Example #2: Data Wrangler

As a data scientist, you spend three days using Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler in the China (Beijing) region to cleanse, explore, and visualize your data for 6 hours per day. To execute your data preparation pipeline, you then initiate a SageMaker Data Wrangler job that is scheduled to run weekly.

The table below summarizes your total usage for the month and the associated charges for using Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler.

Application SageMaker Studio Instance Days Duration Total duration Cost per hour  Cost sub-total
SageMaker Data Wrangler ml.m5.4xlarge 3 6 hours 18 hours ¥ 10.133 ¥ 182.394
SageMaker Data Wrangler job ml.m5.4xlarge - 40 minutes 2.67 hours ¥ 10.133 ¥ 27.055

From the table, you use Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler for a total of 18 hours over 3 days to prepare your data. Additionally, you create a SageMaker Data Wrangler job to prepare updated data on a weekly basis. Each job lasts 40 minutes, and the job runs weekly for one month.

Total monthly charges for using Data Wrangler = ¥ 182.394 + ¥ 27.055 = ¥ 209.449

Pricing Example #3: Feature Store

You have a web application which issues reads and writes of 25 KB each to the Amazon SageMaker Feature Store in the China (Beijing) region. For the first 10 days of a month, you receive little traffic to your application, resulting in 10,000 writes and 10,000 reads each day to the SageMaker Feature Store. On day 11 of the month, your application gains attention on social media and application traffic spikes to 200,000 writes and 200,000 reads that day. Your application then settles into a more regular traffic pattern, averaging 80,000 writes and 80,000 reads each day through the end of the month.

The table below summarizes your total usage for the month and the associated charges for using Amazon SageMaker Feature Store.

Day of the month Total Writes Total Write Units Total Reads Total Read Units
Days 1 to 10 100,000 writes 
(10,000 writes * 10 days)
(100,000 * 25KB )
(10,000 * 10 days)
(100,000 * 25/4 KB )
Day 11 200,000 writes 5000000 
(200,000* 25KB)
200,000 reads 1,400,000++ 
(200,000* 25/4KB)
Days 12 to 30 1,520,000 writes 
(80,000 * 19 days)
(1,520,000 * 25KB)
1,520,000 writes
(80,000 * 19 days)
(1,520,000 * 25/4KB)
Total chargeable units   45,500,000 write units   12,740,000 read units
Monthly charges for writes and reads  

¥ 507.5
(45.5 million write units * ¥ 11.1538 per million writes)

  ¥ 24.8204
(12.74M read units * ¥ 2.2308 per million reads)

All fractional read units are rounded to the next whole number

Data storage
Total data stored = 31.5 GB
Monthly charges for data storage = 31.5 GB * ¥ 3.960= ¥ 124.74

Total monthly charges for Amazon SageMaker Feature Store = ¥ 507.5+¥ 24.8204+¥ 124.74 = ¥ 657.06

Pricing Example #4: Training

A data scientist has spent a week working on a model for a new idea in the China (Beijing) region. She trains the model 4 times on an ml.m4.4xlarge for 30 minutes per training run with Amazon SageMaker Debugger enabled using 2 built-in rules and 1 custom rule that she wrote. For the custom rule, she specified ml.m5.xlarge instance. She trains using 3 GB of training data in Amazon S3, and pushes 1 GB model output into Amazon S3. SageMaker creates General Purpose SSD (gp2) Volumes for each Training instance. SageMaker also creates General Purpose SSD (gp2) Volumes for each rule specified. In this example a total of 4 General Purpose SSD (gp2) Volumes will be created. SageMaker Debugger emits 1 GB of debug data to customer’s Amazon S3 bucket.


Hours Training Instance Debug Instance Cost per hour  Sub-total
4 * 0.5 = 2.00 ml.m4.4xlarge n/a ¥ 12.373 ¥ 24.746
4 * 0.5 * 2 = 4 n/a No additional charges for built-in rule instances ¥ 0 ¥ 0
4 * 0.5 = 2 ml.m5.xlarge n/a ¥ 2.229 ¥ 4.458
        ¥ 29.204
  General Purpose (SSD) Storage for Training (GB)  General Purpose (SSD) Storage for Debugger built-in rules (GB) General Purpose (SSD) Storage for Debugger custom rules (GB) Cost per GB-Month Sub- total
Capacity used 3 2 1    
Cost ¥ 0 No additional charges for built-in rule storage volumes ¥ 0 ¥ 1.044 ¥ 0

The total charges for training and debugging in this example are ¥ 30.248. The compute instances and general purpose storage volumes used by Amazon SageMaker Debugger built-in rules do not incur additional charges.