Amazon SNS Pricing


Free Tier

SNS Free Tier is available in the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD and Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region operated by Sinnet. The Free Tier includes 1 Million Publishes, 100K HTTP/S Deliveries and 1,000 Email Deliveries.

China (Ningxia) Region

Amazon SNS Standard - China (Ningxia) Region

API Requests

           First 1 million Amazon SNS requests per month are Free

           ¥ 3.40 per 1 million Amazon SNS API Requests thereafter

Amazon SNS Standard Notifications - China (Ningxia) Region


First 100,000 Amazon SNS HTTP/HTTPS Notifications per Month are Free

¥ 0.40 per 100,000 Amazon SNS HTTP/HTTPS Notifications thereafter


First 1,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications per month are Free

¥ 13.70 per 100,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications thereafter

Mobile Push

First 1,000,000 Mobile Push Notifications are Free

¥ 3.40 per 1 million Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications thereafter

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

No charge for deliveries to SQS queues. Normal SQS pricing applies.

Amazon Lambda functions

          No charge for deliveries to Lambda functions. Normal Lambda pricing applies.


  • Publish API requests are ¥ 2.11969 per 1 million and ¥ 0.12012 per GB of payload data within the request
  • Subscription messages (includes both delivered and filtered messages) are ¥ 0.07066 per 1 million messages and ¥ 0.00707 per GB of payload data
  • Archive Processing is charged ¥ 0.8448 per GB of processed message data for storage
  • Storage is charged ¥ 0.1755 per GB/Month
  • For replays, you are billed as per the subscription pricing above
  • Normal SQS FIFO pricing applies

Amazon SNS Data Transfer

  Pricing (Ningxia)
Data Transfer IN
All data transfer in ¥ 0.000 per GB
Data Transfer OUT
All data transfer out ¥ 0.933 per GB (Promotional)

Data transfer “in” and “out” refers to transfer into and out of Amazon SNS. There is no additional charge for data transferred between Amazon SNS and other Amazon Web  Services within the China (Ningxia) Region (i.e. ¥0.00 per GB).

Data transfer out rate sizes aggregate outbound data transfer across Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon Storage Gateway, and Amazon VPC.

Message filtering

Amazon SNS message filtering pricing depends on the filtering method. Attribute-based message filtering is free, while payload-based message filtering is based on the total amount of outbound payload data scanned for each subscription with an active filter policy. Both filtered and delivered messages count towards the amount of outbound payload data scanned.

  • Attribute-based message filtering is free.
  • Payload-based message filtering is  ¥0.91 per GB of scanned payload data.

Note: Each outbound message scanned will be billed for a minimum of 1 KB of scanning.

Message data protection

Amazon SNS message data protection pricing is based on the amount of payload data that is scanned and the amount of audit report data generated.

  • Publish and delivery message scanning and protecting (blocked or de-identified) is ¥0.82 per GB of payload data.
  • Audit reporting is ¥2.04 per GB of audit reporting data generated.

Note: Each message that is scanned and protected (blocked or de-identified) will be billed for a minimum of 1KB of message scanning.

China (Beijing) Region

Amazon SNS Standard - China (Beijing) Region

First 1 million Amazon SNS requests per month are Free

¥ 3.40 per 1 million Amazon SNS API Requests thereafter

Amazon SNS Standard Notifications - China (Beijing) Region


First 100,000 Amazon SNS HTTP/HTTPS Notifications per Month are Free

¥ 0.40 per 100,000 Amazon SNS HTTP/HTTPS Notifications thereafter


First 1,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications per month are Free

¥ 13.70 per 100,000 Amazon SNS Email/Email-JSON Notifications thereafter

Mobile Push

First 1,000,000 Mobile Push Notifications are Free

¥ 3.40 per 1 million Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications thereafter

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

No charge for deliveries to SQS queues. Normal SQS pricing applies.

Amazon Lambda functions

          No charge for deliveries to Lambda functions. Normal Lambda pricing applies.


  • Publish API requests are ¥ 3.13079 per 1 million and ¥ 0.17742 per GB of payload data within the request
  • Subscription messages (includes both delivered and filtered messages) are ¥ 0.10436 per 1 million requests and ¥ 0.01046 per GB of payload data
  • Archive Processing is charged ¥ 0.9856 per GB of processed message data for storage
  • Storage is charged ¥ 0.195 per GB/Month
  • For replays, you are billed as per the subscription pricing above
  • Normal SQS FIFO pricing applies

Amazon SNS Data Transfer

  Pricing (Beijing)
Data Transfer IN
All data transfer in ¥ 0.000 per GB
Data Transfer OUT
All data transfer out ¥ 0.933 per GB (Promotional)

Data transfer “in” and “out” refers to transfer into and out of Amazon SNS. There is no additional charge for data transferred between Amazon SNS and other Amazon Web  Services within the China (Beijing) Region (i.e. ¥0.00 per GB).

Data transfer out rate sizes aggregate outbound data transfer across Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, Amazon Storage Gateway, and Amazon VPC.

Message filtering

Amazon SNS message filtering pricing depends on the filtering method. Attribute-based message filtering is free, while payload-based message filtering is based on the total amount of outbound payload data scanned for each subscription with an active filter policy. Both filtered and delivered messages count towards the amount of outbound payload data scanned.

  • Attribute-based message filtering is free.
  • Payload-based message filtering is  ¥0.77 per GB of scanned payload data.

Note: Each outbound message scanned will be billed for a minimum of 1 KB of scanning.

Message data protection

Amazon SNS message data protection pricing is based on the amount of payload data that is scanned and the amount of audit report data generated.

  • Publish and delivery message scanning and protecting (blocked or de-identified) is ¥0.66 per GB of payload data.
  • Audit reporting is ¥1.65 per GB of audit reporting data generated.

Note: Each message that is scanned and protected (blocked or de-identified) will be billed for a minimum of 1KB of message scanning.

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1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD