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China Region Services Pricing

Learn about our products and services pricing strategies.

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China Region Services Pricing

Learn about our products and services pricing strategies.

Pricing Model

Ways To Purchase

Payment Channel
Currently online payment through Corporate Internet Banking and wire transfer are supported. You can use the PC or mobile applications of your bank to do the online transfer, or go to the branch offices of your bank to do the wire transfer.
Support Currency
Chinese Yuan is the only accepted currency for Mainland China regions.

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Estimate And Manage Your Overall Costs

Pricing Calculator
Pricing Calculator
Whether you are running a single instance or dozens of individual services, you can estimate your monthly bill using the Amazon Pricing Calculator. The calculator allows you to estimate individual or multiple prices and use templates to appraise complete solutions.
Cost Management Solutions
Whether you were born in the cloud, or you are just starting your migration journey to the cloud, we have a set of solutions to help you manage and optimize your spend.
Cost Management Solutions

Estimate And Manage Your Overall Costs

Pricing Calculator
Whether you are running a single instance or dozens of individual services, you can estimate your monthly bill using the Amazon Pricing Calculator. The calculator allows you to estimate individual or multiple prices and use templates to appraise complete solutions.
Cost Management Solutions
Whether you were born in the cloud, or you are just starting your migration journey to the cloud, we have a set of solutions to help you manage and optimize your spend.

Special Promotion

Free Tier
Explore 30+ products and start building on Amazon Web Services China Region using the free tier.
Special Offers For New Users
Get special offers to lower your cost on the cloud as a new user
Credit For Go-Abroad Business
Get $300 USD credit for your go-abroad business with Amazon Web Services

Special Promotion

Free Tier
Explore 35 products and start building on Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD using the free tier.
Special Offers for New Users
Get special offers to lower your cost on the cloud as a new user
Credit for Go-abroad Business
Get $300 USD credit for your go-abroad business with Amazon Web Services

Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

Hot Contact Us

Hotline Contact Us

1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD