Amazon Firewall Manager protection policies are priced with a monthly fee per region (prorated hourly).

For Amazon WAF protection policies, Amazon Firewall Manager has these main pricing components:

  • Amazon Firewall Manager protection policy – ¥653 Yuan Monthly fee per Region.
  • Amazon WAF WebACLs or Rules - Those created by Firewall Manager will be charged based on current pricing. For more details, see Amazon WAF pricing.
  • Amazon Config Rules - Those rules created by Firewall Manager to monitor changes in resource configurations are charged based on current pricing. For more details, see Amazon Config pricing.

Pricing examples

Amazon WAF

Pricing example 1: Amazon Firewall Manager policy with 1 account

Let’s assume you created a new protection policy for an organization with 1 Account in scope of the policy.

  • Amazon Firewall Manager charges ¥653 per month for the policy.
  • In addition, Amazon Firewall Manager creates two Amazon Config rules per policy, per account. Let's assume that there are 100 configuration item (CI) changes across all resources per month, for a total of ¥2 (100 x ¥0.02) per month. In addition, let's assume there are 100 rule evaluations, resulting in ¥0.6 (100 x ¥0.006, where the first 100,000 evaluations are ¥0.006 each). The total Amazon Config charges will be ¥2.6 per month (¥2 + ¥0.6).
  • Amazon Firewall Manager also creates a single Amazon WAF WebACL and Rule, at a cost of ¥32.65 per WebACL per month and ¥6.53 per Rule per month.
  • At the end of the month your total charges will be ¥694.8 (¥653 for Amazon Firewall Manager, ¥2.6 for Amazon Config and ¥39.2 for Amazon WAF).
Item Qty Accounts ¥/month Monthly total
Protection Policy 1 1 ¥653.00 ¥653.00
Amazon Config Configuration Item 100 1 ¥0.02 ¥2.00
Amazon Config rule evaluations 100 1 ¥0.006 ¥0.60
WAF WebACL 1 1 ¥32.65 ¥32.65
WAF Rule 1 1 ¥6.53 ¥6.53
Total       ¥694.80 per month

Pricing example 2: Amazon Firewall Manager policy with 7 accounts

Let's assume you created a new protection policy for an organization with 7 accounts.

  • Amazon Firewall Manager charges are ¥653 per month for (1) policy.
  • In addition, Amazon Firewall Manager creates (2) Amazon Config rules per policy, per account. Let's assume there are a total of 10,000 Config item changes across all accounts, accounting for ¥200 (10,000 x ¥0.02). In addition, let's assume there are 10,000 rule evaluations, resulting in ¥60 (10,000 x ¥0.006, where the first 10,000 evaluations are ¥0.006 each).
  • The total Amazon Config charges are ¥260 per month (¥200 + ¥60).
  • Amazon Firewall Manager creates one Amazon WAF WebACL and one Rule per account. Each WebACL costs ¥32.65 per month and Each Rule costs ¥6.53 per month, for a total of ¥274.2 per month = (¥32.65 WebACL + ¥6.53 Rule) X 7 Accounts.
  • At the end of the month your charges will be a total of ¥1187.2 (¥653 for Amazon Firewall Manager + ¥260 for Amazon Config + ¥274.3 for Amazon WAF).
Item Qty Accounts ¥/month Monthly total
Protection Policy 1 7



Amazon Config Configuration Item 10,000 7


Amazon Config rule evaluations 10,000 7



WebACL 1 7



WAF Rule 1 7




¥1187.20 per month

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