Amazon Cloud Map pricing

Amazon Cloud Map pricing is based on resources that you register in the service registry and API calls that you make to discover them. With Amazon Cloud Map there are no upfront payments, and you only pay for what you use.

Optionally, you can enable DNS-based discovery for the resources with IP addresses. You can also enable health checking for these resources using Amazon Route 53 health checks. You will incur additional charges related to Amazon Route 53 DNS and health check usage.

Pricing details

Service registry charge

¥0.715 per registered resource (for example, an EC2 instance) per month*

* All the resources registered via Amazon ECS Service Discovery are free, and you pay for lookup queries and associated DNS charges only.

Lookup requests charge

¥7.15 per million discovery API calls.

Optional charges

Additionally, you can choose to register IP-based resources with Amazon Route 53 DNS and enable optional Amazon Route 53 health checks. For pricing information related to these options, see the Amazon Route 53 pricing.

Product pricing glossary

Service registry charge: The price you pay to register your resources with the Amazon Cloud Map registry.

Look up request charge: The price you pay for your applications to query the location of a resource that is registered with the Amazon Cloud Map registry.

Example 1

Large microservices application built using EC2 with 10 services, scaling between 50 and 100 instances (75 instances on average per month) and 10 DynamoDB tables using HTTP only

Service registry charges

Service registry charges= # of registered resources per month X ¥0.715

Registered EC2 instances: 75 resource-months (on average)
Total service registry charge for 75 EC2 instances: 75 X ¥0.715 = ¥53.625

DynamoDB tables: 10 resource-months
Total service registry charge for service registry for 10 DynamoDB tables: 10 X ¥0.715 = ¥7.15

Discovery API call charges

Each EC2 instance makes a discovery API call every 15 seconds, or 175,000 calls per month

Discovery API call for EC2 instances: # of instances X ¥7.15 per million HTTP API calls

Charges for discovery API call for all 75 instances: 75 instances x ¥7.15 X 175,000 / 1,000,000 = ¥93.84

Total charge (service registry charges + Discovery API call charges) = ¥53.625 + ¥7.15 + ¥93.84 = ¥154.615 per month

Example 2

Simple microservices application built using DNS. 10 EC2 instances registered in DNS with TTL=60 seconds

Service registry charge

Service registry charges= # of registered resources per month X ¥0.715

Service registry charge for 10 EC2 instances= 10 x ¥0.715 = ¥7.15

DNS namespace charge

DNS namespace charge: ¥3.575 per hosted zone / month for the first 25 hosted zones (from the Amazon Route 53 pricing page):
DNS namespace charges for 10 EC2 hosted zones = ¥3.575 per month

DNS query charge

DNS queries charge: ¥2.86 per million queries – first 1 Billion queries / month (from the Amazon Route 53 pricing page)

Each EC2 instance queries DNS upon TTL expiration, every 60 seconds, or 43,200 queries a month

DNS charges for 10 EC2 instances each querying 43,200 times: 10X ¥2.86 X 43,200/1,000,000 = ¥1.236

Total charges (service registry charge+ DNS namespace charge+ DNS queries charge) = ¥7.15 + ¥3.575 + ¥1.236 = ¥11.961

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