What does this Amazon Web Services Solution do?

The solution is based on Amazon Lambda serverless architecture and integrates Amazon Elemental MediaConvert, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB and other services to help customers perform fast deployment and video caption related operations. This solution provides a simple and easy-to-use user interface. Through the user interface, customers can generate video captions, proofread, translate and edit video captions. Additionally, customers can burn the edited captions into videos.

Amazon Web Services Solution overview

The diagram below shows the solution architecture. You can launch the solution using the Amazon CloudFormation template and follow the implementation guide to set up and use the solution.


The solution deploys the following resources:

  1. Amazon S3 (Web App) stores front-end static files
  2. Client side sends the request through Amazon API Gateway
  3. Amazon Lambda Function receives the request from Amazon API Gateway, and process the business logic
  4. Client side gets the pre-signed URL from Amazon Lambda, then uploads the video to be processed
  5. Amazon Lambda Function gets/updates videos' profile from Amazon DynamoDB
  6. Amazon Lambda Function invokes Amazon Elemental MediaConvert to process video, which includes extracting audio from video and burning captions into video and stores the result into Amazon S3 (Videos)
  7. Amazon Lambda Function invokes Amazon Transcribe captions from audio and store the result into Amazon S3 (Captions)
  8. Amazon Lambda Function invokes Amazon Translate to translate captions to another language and stores the result into Amazon S3 (Captions)


End-to-end Video Transcriber solution

This solution demonstrates a best practice of end-to-end video transcriber solution.

Easy one-click deployment

You can easily deploy this solution to your Amazon Web Service with just one click via Amazon CloudFormation. Please refer to the Implementation Guide for more details.

Open Source and Customization

It is an open-source project. You can customize features based on source code of the solution.
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