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ClickHouse on Amazon Web Services

Deploy highly available, Cost-Optimized ClickHouse clusters with one click to enable a real-time data warehouse for massive amounts of data.

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ClickHouse on Amazon Web Services

Deploy highly available, Cost-Optimized ClickHouse clusters with one click to enable a real-time data warehouse for massive amounts of data.


This solution helps you quickly deploy a highly available ClickHouse cluster on the Amazon Cloud. ClickHouse is an open-source OLAP database management system. It can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as the analysis of user behavior data in e-commerce, data storage and data statistics in advertising and telecommunications industries, log analysis in information security, data mining in remote sensing, business intelligence, data processing and value data analysis in online games and the area of Internet of Things(IoT). For more detail features, please see the ClickHouse website.
In order to facilitate your testing and use of the deployed ClickHouse cluster, this solution takes the OnTime flight open dataset as an example, visualizes the data based on the Grafana tool, and provides an analysis report.


Integration with cloud services

When monitoring is required, users need to integrate ClickHouse with other third-party services by themselves. This solution integrates Amazon S3 for tiered storage, uses Amazon CloudWatch for log collection and resource metrics dashboard and also provides Grafana client for data visualization.

Integration with cloud services

When monitoring is required, users need to integrate ClickHouse with other third-party services by themselves. This solution integrates Amazon S3 for tiered storage, uses Amazon CloudWatch for log collection and resource metrics dashboard and also provides Grafana client for data visualization.

Support of ARM architecture

While ClickHouse brings excellent performance in use of hardware, it causes heavy hardware burden for customers. This solution supports the deployment in ARM based Amazon EC2 instance, allowing customers to save cost on hardware investment.

Support of ARM architecture

While ClickHouse brings excellent performance in use of hardware, it causes heavy hardware burden for customers. This solution supports the deployment in ARM based Amazon EC2 instance, allowing customers to save cost on hardware investment.

Easy to use

Many settings are often required when launching a ClickHouse cluster. This solution provides a best practice to help customers quickly build a ClickHouse distributed cluster environment on Amazon Cloud. You can easily deploy this solution into your own Amazon Web Services account with just 1-click via Amazon CloudFormation. Please refer to the deployment guide for more details.

Easy to use

Many settings are often required when launching a ClickHouse cluster. This solution provides a best practice to help customers quickly build a ClickHouse distributed cluster environment on Amazon Cloud. You can easily deploy this solution into your own Amazon Web Services account with just 1-click via Amazon CloudFormation. Please refer to the deployment guide for more details.

Amazon Web Services Solution overview

This solution allows you to quickly launch a highly available ClickHouse cluster environment within minutes. You can select the deployment parameters through the UI in Amazon CloudFormation. In addition, the solution has been integrated with cloud services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudWatch.

The solution deploys the following resources:

Clickstream Analytics on Amazon Web Services

An end-to-end solution to collect, ingest, analyze, and visualize clickstream data inside your web and mobile applications

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