Amazon Web Services Connected Vehicle Solution

What does this Amazon Web Services Solution do?

This solution enables automotive manufacturers and suppliers to build serverless IoT applications that gather, process, analyze, and act on connected vehicle data, without having to manage any infrastructure. With Amazon IoT, customers can connect vehicles and devices to the Amazon Web Services Cloud securely, with low latency and with low overhead.

To help customers more easily develop and deploy a wide range of innovative connected vehicle services, Amazon Web Services offers a connected vehicle solution that provides secure vehicle connectivity to the Amazon Web Services Cloud, and a framework that helps customers integrate Amazon IoT and Amazon Greengrass into the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) software stack.

Amazon Web Services Solution overview

Amazon Internet of Things can be combined with other Amazon Web Services services to build event-driven connected vehicles applications. System functions include tracking real-time vehicle location data. Monitor the health condition of the vehicle according to the fault code and inform the owner timely. The following figure shows the system architecture diagram.

Amazon Web Services Connected Vehicle Solution

Connected vehicles send messages to the Amazon IoT platform, which authenticates and authorizes them upon receipt of a message, and the IoT rules engine validates the rules on the message, routing it to the appropriate back-end application.

The Amazon IoT rules forward connected vehicle data to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream for processing. The raw data is also saved into the Amazon S3 bucket.

The Amazon IoT rule responsible for vehicle travel data will detect and trigger the call to Amazon Lambda function in real time to process the data sent by a connected vehicle and store it in DynamoDB table.

The Amazon IoT rule, which is responsible for driver safety scoring, will trigger the call of the Amazon Lambda function to process and aggregate travel data after a vehicle trip. In order to generate the driver safety score, trigger Amazon SNS notification to the driver, and add the score to DynamoDB travel data table.

The Amazon IoT rule responsible for diagnosing fault codes will detect fault codes in the IoT subject, and then call the Lambda function to store fault codes in DynamoDB table, enriching information about fault codes and converting them into information easily understood by drivers.

The Amazon IoT rule for location-based marketing detects a vehicle's location and then calls a Lambda function to determine if the vehicle is located near the location of interest defined by the driver's reservation. When the connected vehicle is near the location of interest, this function records the vehicle location in DynamoDB table and triggers The Amazon SNS notification for the driver.

Amazon Web Services Connected Vehicle Solution

Version 2.1.1
Last updated: 07/2020
Author: Amazon Web Services 

Estimated deployment time: 10 min

Source code 


Build an AGL image for the Amazon IoT framework

With the steps outlined in the GitHub repository, you can build an AGL image for the Amazon IoT framework. The framework includes all the components necessary to integrate Amazon IoT and Greengrass into the AGL software stack.

Securely publish and receive messages

You can securely publish and receive messages such as vehicle telemetry between your applications running AGL and the Amazon Web Services Cloud through Amazon Greengrass Core using APIs that conform to the AGL security framework.
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