What does this Amazon Web Services Solution do?

Building a rendering farm in the cloud environment is never easy, and it could take days or weeks to do so. The Cloud Rendering Solution enables you to build and deploy a rendering farm on Amazon Web Services Cloud with just one-click.

This solution is designed and built around Thinkbox Deadline, which provides flexibility and a wide range of compute management options, giving you the freedom to easily access any combination of on-premises, hybrid or cloud-based resources for your rendering, render management and processing needs.

No matter you need to build a rendering farm on cloud, or plan to use cloud resources to expand local rendering capabilities, you can use this solution to speed up the process, save time and cost.

Amazon Web Services Solution overview

This solution helps you easily build a cloud rendering farm for you from three aspects:

1. Rendering task scheduling platform, using Deadline. Thinkbox Deadline is a hassle-free hybrid administration and compute management software for Windows, Linux, and mac OS based render farms, supporting more than 80 different content creation applications out of the box.

2. Remote desktop, used to graphically manage rendering tasks and visually view results, generated by NICE DCV. NICE DCV is a high-performance remote display protocol that provides you with a secure way to deliver remote desktops and application streaming from any cloud or data center to any device, over varying network conditions.

3. Media asset management platform, used for sharing project files and material files. This solution currently supports EFS and JuiceFS, and will support more shared file system services or products in the future.

Architecture Description

The Amazon CloudFormation template of this solution automatically deploys and configures a cloud rendering architecture, including the following components:

1. Create a network environment, including a VPC, and a public and private subnet in each of the two Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling automatically provisions the resources needed for a rendering cluster.

2. In the public subnet, start a remote workstation using NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV) for online design, submitting rendering tasks, viewing rendering results and so on.

3. In the private subnet, start an EC2 as a scheduling management node, with built-in Deadline Repository and Database components, to store and manage rendering task working status, logs, and other information.

4. A variety of optional shared storage services, including Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), Amazon FSx for Lustre, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and so on.

5. Security and monitoring services include Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon CloudWatch.

The software in each component, the access rights between components, and the file system mount permission will be automatically pre-configured. After you install the rendering software you need in the worker node and upload the corresponding asset files to the shared file system, you can start rendering.


Cloud Rendering Solution

Version 1.1.0
Last updated: 08/2022
Author: Amazon Web Services

Estimated deployment time: 20 min


One-click deployment

You can easily deploy the solution with just one-click via CloudFormation template. Within 20 minutes you can automatically complete the original Deadline architecture construction work of several days. The solution allows you to quickly start rendering work.

Support multiple shared file systems

The solution supports multiple shared file storage services or products such as EFS, JuiceFS, FSx, etc., to meet various requirements in terms of compliance, cost optimization, and performance. Among the third-party products, the support for the open source high-performance shared file system JuiceFS provides you with options with excellent performance and better cost.

Security Best Practice

The principle of least privilege has been applied to security group, network, IAM permissions. This solution helps you save time for security configuration, thus you don't need to worry about security risks.
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