Posted On: Feb 1, 2024

Starting today, we are updating the Amazon Web Services China Region Free Tier for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, 12 month free, to include 750 hours of public IPv4 address usage per month. If you are an existing or new Amazon Web Services China Region Free Tier customer for Amazon EC2, you will get 750 hours public IPv4 address usage per month free when launching any EC2 instance with a public IPv4 address. 

Amazon Web Services China Region Free Tier applies to in-use public IPv4 address usage. Usage beyond 750 hours per month of in-use public IPv4 address will be charged at ¥ 0.033 per IP per hour as announced in this post. There is no change in pricing for idle public IPv4 addresses that you allocate in your account but don’t attach to an EC2 instance. You can track your public IPv4 address usage using Amazon Cost Explorer and can monitor and audit your use of public IPv4 addresses with Public IP Insights.

The update to Amazon Web Services China Region Free Tier and public IPv4 address charges apply to Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. For more details on Amazon Web Services China Region Free Tier, refer Amazon Web Services China Region Free Tier FAQ page. For more details on pricing for public IPv4 addresses, refer to the Amazon VPC Pricing page. To see a list of services that use public IPv4 addresses, refer Amazon VPC documentation page.