Posted On: Apr 27, 2022

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now supports managing on-premises workloads running on a Windows operating system with Amazon ECS Anywhere. Amazon ECS Anywhere is a capability of Amazon ECS that enables customers to more easily run and manage container-based applications on-premises, including virtual machines (VMs), bare metal servers, and other customer-managed infrastructure. Customers, who need to manage containerized workloads on-premises on Windows, can now more easily orchestrate these workloads using Amazon ECS Anywhere. With this capability, developers no longer need to run additional container orchestration software or convert their Windows-based workloads to Linux OS.

Customers running Windows-based containerized applications may need to keep them running on-premises due to regulatory, network latency, data residency, or other requirements. Today, customers need to invest in separate orchestration software, increasing their software costs as well as adding complexity to their operation. Alternatively, converting Windows applications to run on Linux OS requires additional investment and can be time consuming. With today’s release, developers can now orchestrate their on-premises Windows based workloads using Amazon ECS Anywhere, with the same ECS tooling they know, without the need to run disparate container orchestration tooling or convert their applications to a different operating system.

Amazon ECS Anywhere for Windows is now available in all public Amazon Web Services Regions, including Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. To learn more, visit ECS Anywhere user guide or read more about it in our blog post.