Posted On: Mar 26, 2021

CloudWatch Synthetics now supports customizing the default launch settings on the Chrome browser with a new minor runtime version, syn-nodejs-2.1. This allows for more flexibility in the canary launched browser settings such as viewport, setting chromium flags, and handling errors. With syn-nodejs-2.1, you can also configure canary scripts to not take screenshots on a canary step, thereby reducing costs, and avoiding screenshots for sensitive data.

Canaries are modular, lightweight scripts that you can configure to run on a schedule in order to monitor your endpoints and APIs from the outside-in. Canaries simulate the same actions as a user, which makes it possible for you to monitor your user experience continuously. For each canary run, Synthetics launches a headless chrome browser with Synthetics default settings. You can now use the new minor runtime version, syn-nodejs-2.1, to customize these default settings. For example, you can modify the default viewport from 1920x1080 to a different size. Another example is adding a chromium flag to set an SSL version, or removing a default flag such as disable popup blocking.

To learn more about this feature, see the CloudWatch Synthetics documentation. For pricing, refer to Amazon CloudWatch pricing.