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Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

Redis-compatible, durable, in-memory database service for ultra-fast performance


Build applications quickly with Redis

Access data with ultra-fast performance - process more than 13 trillion requests per day and over 160 million requests per second

Store data durably with in-memory storage that uses a Multi-AZ transactional log for fast database recovery and restart
Scale seamlessly from a few gigabytes to over one hundred terabytes of storage per cluster to meet the needs of your application


Build applications quickly with Redis

Access data with ultra-fast performance - process more than 13 trillion requests per day and over 160 million requests per second

Store data durably with in-memory storage that uses a Multi-AZ transactional log for fast database recovery and restart

Scale seamlessly from a few gigabytes to over one hundred terabytes of storage per cluster to meet the needs of your application

How It Works

How It Works

Use Cases

Build Web and Mobile Applications
Use versatile Redis data structures like streams, lists, and sets to build content data stores, chat and message queues, and geospatial indexes for demanding, data-intensive web and mobile applications that require low latency and high throughput.
Quickly Access Customer Data for Retail
Deliver personalized customer experiences and manage user profiles, preferences, and inventory tracking and fulfillment with microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latency.
Develop Online Games
Build player data stores, session history, and leaderboards for gaming applications that require massive scale, low latency, and high concurrency to make real-time updates.
Stream Media and Entertainment
Run high concurrency streaming data feeds to ingest user activity and support millions of requests per day for media and entertainment applications.

Use Cases

Build Web and Mobile Applications

Use versatile Redis data structures like streams, lists, and sets to build content data stores, chat and message queues, and geospatial indexes for demanding, data-intensive web and mobile applications that require low latency and high throughput.

Quickly Access Customer Data for Retail

Deliver personalized customer experiences and manage user profiles, preferences, and inventory tracking and fulfillment with microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latency.

Develop Online Games

Build player data stores, session history, and leaderboards for gaming applications that require massive scale, low latency, and high concurrency to make real-time updates.

Stream Media and Entertainment

Run high concurrency streaming data feeds to ingest user activity and support millions of requests per day for media and entertainment applications.

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