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Amazon Kinesis Data Streams pricing

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a fully managed, serverless streaming data service that makes it easy to elastically ingest and store logs, events, clickstreams, and other forms of streaming data in real time. Kinesis Data Streams uses simple pay-as-you-go pricing. There are no upfront costs or minimum fees, and you pay only for the resources you use. Kinesis Data Streams has two capacity modes—on-demand and provisioned—and both come with specific billing options.

  • On-Demand Mode
  • With on-demand capacity mode, you pay per GB of data written and read from your data streams. You do not need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform. Kinesis Data Streams instantly accommodates your workloads as they ramp up or down.

    In on-demand mode, pricing is based on the volume of data ingested and retrieved along with a per-hour charge for each data stream in your account. There are additional charges for optional features: Extended data retention (beyond the first 24 hours and within the first seven days), Long-Term data retention (beyond seven days and up to one year), and Enhanced Fan-Out. You’re also charged for each stream operating in the on-demand capacity mode in your account at an hourly rate.

    On-demand capacity mode might be best if you create new data streams with unknown workloads, have unpredictable application traffic, or prefer not to manage capacity.

    Key terms

    Data-In: The data ingested into Kinesis Data Streams is billed per GB written into your data stream. This is calculated as the number of data records you send to the service, multiplied by the size of each record rounded up to the nearest 1 KB (1,024 bytes). For example, if your data records are 4.5 KB each, Kinesis Data Streams will count each record as 5 KB of data ingested. All the data ingested into Kinesis Data Streams is stored for 24 hours by default, and there are no additional charges.

    Data-Out: The data retrieved from Kinesis Data Streams is billed per GB read from a data stream. This is calculated as the number of records retrieved multiplied by the size of each record. There is no rounding factor applied for this calculation. If your data records are 4.5 KB each, Kinesis Data Streams will count each one as 4.5 KB of data egressed.

    Per-Stream: You’re charged for each stream operating in the on-demand capacity mode in your account at an hourly rate.

    Extended data retention: Kinesis Data Streams stores your data for 24 hours by default. Extended data retention gives you the option to extend the storage up to seven days. You’re charged a GB- month rate for data stored beyond 24 hours, up to seven days.

    Long-term data retention: Long-term data retention gives you the option to store your data stream up to 365 days. You’re charged extended data retention rates for the first seven days and then charged a lower GB-month rate for data stored beyond seven days up to your specified retention period.

    Enhanced fan-out: Enhanced fan-out improves read parallelism by providing each data consumer with their own read throughput per shard, up to 2 MB/second. When consumers use enhanced fan-out, they incur additional charges per GB of data retrieved.

    Pricing Details

    China (Ningxia) Region


    Pricing (Ningxia)

    Per stream, per hour

    ¥ 0.286

    Data ingested, per GB (Includes 24-hour retention)

    ¥ 0.572

    Data retrievals, per GB

    ¥ 0.286

    Enhanced fan-out data retrievals, per GB

    ¥ 0.358

    Data stored, per GB-month (beyond 24 hours, up to 7 days)

    ¥ 0.618

    Data stored, per GB-month (beyond 7 days)

    ¥ 0.163

    China (Beijing) Region


    Pricing (Beijing)

    Per stream, per hour

    ¥ 0.332

    Data ingested, per GB (Includes 24-hour retention)

    ¥ 0.657

    Data retrievals, per GB

    ¥ 0.332

    Enhanced fan-out data retrievals, per GB

    ¥ 0.416

    Data stored, per GB-month (beyond 24 hours, up to 7 days)

    ¥ 0.696

    Data stored, per GB-month (beyond 7 days)

    ¥ 0.182

  • Provisioned Mode
  • With provisioned capacity mode, you specify the number of shards necessary for your application based on its write and read request rate. A shard is a unit of capacity that provides 1 MB/second of write and 2 MB/second of read throughout.

    Provisioned capacity mode might be best if you have predictable application traffic, run applications whose traffic is consistent or ramps gradually, or can forecast capacity requirements to control costs.

    Key terms

    Shard Hour

    Shard is the base throughput unit of an Amazon Kinesis stream. One shard provides a capacity of 1MB/sec data input and 2MB/sec data output. One shard can support up to 1000 records per second. You specify the number of shards needed within your stream based on your throughput requirements. You are charged for each shard at an hourly rate.

    PUT Payload Unit (25KB)

    A record is the data that your data producer adds to your Amazon Kinesis stream. A PUT Payload Unit is counted in 25KB payload “chunks” that comprise a record. For example, a 5KB record contains one PUT Payload Unit, a 45KB record contains two PUT Payload Units, and a 1MB record contains 40 PUT Payload Units. PUT Payload Unit is charged with a per million PUT Payload Units rate.

    Enhanced Fan-Out

    Enhanced fan-out improves read parallelism by providing each data consumer their own read throughput per shard, up to 2 MB/sec. When consumers use enhanced fan-out, they incur hourly charges per consumer-shard hour and per GB of data retrieved.

    Extended Data Retention (Up to 7 days)

    Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stores your data for 24 hours by default. You can choose to increase the data retention period of your stream to up to 7 days. You are charged for an additional rate on each shard hour incurred by your stream once you enable extended data retention.

    Long-term data retention

    Long-term data retention gives you the option to store your data stream up to 365 days. You are charged extended data retention rates for first 7-days and then charged a GB-month rate of data stored beyond 7 days up to your specified retention period.

    Retrieval of long-term retention data

    You are charged a per-GB rate for retrieval of data stored beyond 7 days if you are retrieving data using GetRecords API. You are not charged for retrieval of data stored for the 24-hour default or for extended data retention up to 7 days. You are not charged for long-term data retrieval if enhanced fanout consumer (SubscribeToShard API) is used.

    Pricing Details

    China (Ningxia) Region


    Pricing (Ningxia)

    Shard Hour (1MB/second ingest rate, 2MB/second egress rate)

    ¥ 0.1150

    PUT Payload Units, per 1,000,000 units

    ¥ 0.1070

    Optional features:


    Extended Data Retention (Up to 7 days), per Shard Hour

    ¥ 0.1534

    Long-term Data Retention (data older than 7 days), per GB-month

    ¥ 0.1760

    Long-term Data Retrieval (data older than 7 days), per GB

    ¥ 0.1611

    Enhanced fan-out data retrievals, per GB

    ¥ 0.0997

    Extended fan-out, per consumer-shard hour

    ¥ 0.1150


    China (Beijing) Region


    Pricing (Beijing)

    Shard Hour (1MB/second ingest rate, 2MB/second egress rate)

    ¥ 0.1211

    PUT Payload Units, per 1,000,000 units

    ¥ 0.1130

    Optional features:


    Extended Data Retention (Up to 7 days), per Shard Hour

    ¥ 0.1615

    Long-term Data Retention (data older than 7 days), per GB-month

    ¥ 0.1950

    Long-term Data Retrieval (data older than 7 days), per GB

    ¥ 0.1696

    Enhanced fan-out data retrievals, per GB

    ¥ 0.105

    Extended fan-out, per consumer-shard hour

    ¥ 0.1211


    * Getting records from an Amazon Kinesis data stream is free when the data is stored for the 24-hour default or up to 7 days for extended data retention. You are charged a per-GB rate for retrieval of data stored for long-term retention beyond 7 days up to the limit of 365 days.

    * If you choose to use enhanced fan-out, you incur hourly charges per consumer-shard hour and per GB of data retrieved.

    * We do not charge for data transfer from your data producers to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, or from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to your consuming applications if all the resources are in the same region.

    * We do not charge for data transfer if your data producers are writing to a Kinesis Data Stream in a different region. However, in the on-demand mode you incur additional charges if your consuming applications are reading data from a data stream in a different region. You will be billed at standard Amazon Web Services Data Transfer Charges.

    * Please note that Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is NOT currently available in Amazon Web Services China Free Tier. Amazon Web Services China Free Tier is a program that offers a free trial for a group of Amazon Web Services services. For more details about Amazon Web Services China Free Tier, see Amazon Web Services China Free Tier.

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