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Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass

Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass is a test automation tool for your Linux-based IoT devices. You can download the tool here. With Amazon IoT Device Tester, you can easily perform testing to determine if your devices will run Amazon IoT Greengrass and interoperate with Amazon IoT services. Amazon IoT Device Tester tests if the CPU architecture, Linux kernel configuration, and drivers for your device work with Amazon IoT Greengrass. Please refer to the technical documentation for more details about Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass.

Download Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass

You can download Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass here. Please refer to the technical documentation for more details about Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass.


Gain confidence

Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass gives you the flexibility to self-test Amazon IoT Greengrass on your choice of device whenever it’s best for you. You can use Amazon IoT Device Tester to verify the device remains compatible with Amazon IoT Greengrass throughout its lifecycle such as new releases of Amazon IoT Greengrass.

Make testing easy

Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass automatically executes a sequence of selected tests, and aggregates and stores the test results. Amazon IoT Device Tester sets up the necessary test resources including Amazon IoT cloud resources such as Amazon IoT Greengrass groups and Amazon Lambda function definitions. Amazon IoT Device Tester also supports running multiple tests on multiple connected devices concurrently, improving test throughput and reducing testing time.

Get listed

Passing the Amazon IoT Device Tester tests are required for the Amazon Web Services Device Qualification Program. As part of the Amazon Device Qualification Program, your device is listed in the Amazon Partner Device Catalog.

How it works

Getting started with Amazon IoT Device Tester for Amazon IoT Greengrass is easy. You download Amazon IoT Device Tester, configure Amazon IoT Device Tester including target device IP address and login credentials, and run the Amazon IoT Greengrass tests using the command line interface. Amazon IoT Device Tester executes the test cases on the target device and stores the results on your computer. You can review results and resolve any compatibility issues to pass the tests.

Reference partners

"The demands of managing complex data streams produced by IoT devices are pushing the boundaries of cloud and edge computing. As customers evolve in their digital transformation journey, they are looking for ways to quickly and efficiently move certain workloads to the edge. Collaborating with Amazon Web Services helps us bring the best of the cloud to the edge on Lenovo infrastructure and devices. Lenovo has qualified industry-leading servers, PCs, and intelligent devices through Amazon Web Services’ simple and easy to use Amazon IoT Device Tester to list them in the Amazon Web Services Partner Device Catalog."

- Wilfredo Sotolongo, Vice President & General Manager of IoT, Lenovo Data Center Group

"With the easy to use Amazon IoT Device Tester, we were able to streamline qualifying our Smart OmniEdge products for Amazon IoT Greengrass. Listing them in the Amazon Partner Device Catalog enables customers to discover and take advantage of container support in Extreme Networks’ software-driven network platforms designed for edge, campus, data center and cloud deployments.”  

- Mike Leibovitz, Senior Director at Extreme Networks, Product Management of Smart OmniEdge

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There is no charge for Amazon IoT Device Tester, but there are charges for Amazon IoT Greengrass

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