Amazon ElastiCache for Redis - Enhanced I/O Multiplexing

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis provides enhanced I/O multiplexing that delivers significant improvements to throughput and latency at scale. Enhanced I/O multiplexing is ideal for throughput-bound workloads with multiple client connections, and its benefits scale with the level of workload concurrency. As an example, when using r6g.xlarge node and running 5200 concurrent clients, you can achieve up to 72% increased throughput (read and write operations per second) and up to 71% decreased P99 latency, compared with ElastiCache for Redis 6. For these types of workloads, a node’s network I/O processing can become a limiting factor in the ability to scale. With enhanced I/O multiplexing, each dedicated network I/O thread pipelines commands from multiple clients into the Redis engine, and takes advantage of Redis’ ability to efficiently process commands in batches, as illustrated in the following diagram:

Enhanced I/O multiplexing is automatically available when using Redis 7 across all Amazon Web Sservices regions with no additional cost. No application or service configuration changes are required to use ElastiCache for Redis enhanced I/O multiplexing.

For more information, see the documentation.

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