Amazon Web Services Enterprise Support Enables WirelessCar to Conduct Business in China Quickly, Economically and Securely

WirelessCar is one of the world's leading innovators in digital automotive services. Established for over twenty years, the company is committed to accelerating service creation and transforming connected car data into commercial value for consumers, mobile travel providers, automobile manufacturers, and society. Today, WirelessCar has connected millions of vehicles, providing comprehensive services such as connected solutions, intelligent travel, safety and security, and electric vehicles in over 100 countries and regions worldwide.

One Month

Completion of system migration and vehicle integration


Cost savings of database in the core connected car projects

Security and Compliance

Ensuring the secure operation of services and compliance with regulatory requirements

Focus on Innovation

Customers can focus more on breakthroughs in their own business


WirelessCar is one of the world's leading innovators in digital automotive services. Established for over twenty years, the company is committed to accelerating service creation and transforming connected car data into commercial value for consumers, mobile travel providers, automobile manufacturers, and society. In China, WirelessCar collaborates with numerous well-known automotive brands, focusing on local needs and driving further development and popularization of Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICV) in China, enabling more people to enjoy safer, sustainable, intelligent, and inclusive ways of travel.

With the assistance of Amazon Web Services, WirelessCar has ample computing and storage resources to support various types of connected car scenarios. Additionally, it possesses high elasticity for rapid expansion, allowing centralized integration of unpredictable business increments and bursts of vehicles, providing customers with a stable and efficient connected car solution.

Opportunity | WirelessCar Has to Overcomes Three Key Challenges in China: Swift System Migration, Cost Optimization, and Regulatory Compliance

As early as 2014, WirelessCar partnered with Amazon Web Services to become the first company to offer fully connected car services on the Amazon Web Services platform, leveraging the reliable cloud infrastructure and rich cloud services of Amazon Web Services to meet business needs.

When WirelessCar expanded its operations in China, it chose Amazon Web Services as a partner. However, during the migration and deployment of the core connected car systems to the Amazon Web Services China region, WirelessCar faced three challenges:

First, how to rapidly complete the system migration task, accommodating the integration of millions of vehicles and enabling the swift implementation of core projects.

Second, how to further optimize the usage costs of infrastructure and cloud services to achieve long-term growth objectives.

Third, how to comply with local regulations, completing compliance projects such as ICP filing, Level 2 protection, and connected car classification filing, ensuring the security of customer information, identities, applications and devices.

In overcoming these three major challenges and achieving project goals, WirelessCar received comprehensive assistance and support throughout the entire process from the Amazon Web Services China Enterprise Support team.


The China Enterprise Support team helped WirelessCar optimize infrastructure costs and monitor migration progress, allowing us to successfully complete the migration task in a very short period. Additionally, the efforts made by the Enterprise Support team to help us save costs have left a deep impression on me. This allows us to have more time to focus on developing our business. With the support of Amazon Web Services and China Enterprise Support, WirelessCar is confident in rapidly deploying our services in China, providing more value to our customers."

Henrik Ljungberg
Vice President of Business Compliance and Operations at WirelessCar, Vice President of Asia-Pacific Region

Solution | Amazon Web Services China Enterprise Support Helps WirelessCar Overcome Three Key Challenges

Swift and Seamless Migration
For the critical project of migrating the core connected car systems, Amazon Web Services China Enterprise Support not only empowered WirelessCar's technical team with knowledge by providing the latest cloud service training but also offered end-to-end support during the migration process.

During the initial planning phase, the Technical Account Manager (TAM) from the Enterprise Support team conducted a detailed review of the system architecture. Based on WirelessCar's actual business scenarios, vehicle integration volume, daily activities and other data, the TAM assessed the types and quantities of cloud services needed. They accordingly reserved and elevated various resources and increased service limits on Amazon Web Services, ensuring that the migration could proceed with the necessary resources and services in place. Additionally, leveraging their rich experience, TAM and cloud support engineers proactively identified potential issues and bottlenecks that might arise during system migration and integration, communicated and verified with WirelessCar team and made necessary adjustments or expansions to the services used.

Throughout the migration phase, the Enterprise Support team remained on standby, providing rapid responses and solutions to any unforeseen issues. They continued to monitor the system's normal operation and the smooth progress of business after the migration was completed.

Optimizing Cloud Service Costs for Long-Term Gains
As a business operating at scale, WirelessCar aimed to optimize costs wherever possible to enhance its competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the Technical Account Manager and Concierge team from China Enterprise Support team analyzed WirelessCar's monthly cloud service usage bills. They gained insights into the usage and cost distribution of various cloud services and assisted in planning, offering suggestions, and guiding the implementation of cost optimization measures, ensuring the full value of every cloud service or resource in use.

In addition, the Enterprise Support team provided WirelessCar with a monthly report on cloud service usage, showcasing the usage and costs generated by various projects during the month. This allowed WirelessCar to have a clearer understanding of the overall cloud service usage status and better align with Amazon Web Services best practices.

Robust Security and Compliance Assurance
Amazon Web Services China Enterprise Support has rich experience in security and compliance. The professional team assisted WirelessCar in continuously enhancing and refining the system's security capabilities. They also supported compliance efforts such as ICP filing, Level 2 protection, and connected car classification filing.

Moreover, the Enterprise Support team actively shared their expertise in security and compliance with the client. For instance, the Technical Account Manager, leveraging extensive experience in the automotive industry, provided WirelessCar's team and personnel with a wealth of knowledge and advice on compliance and operations.

Achievements | Over 20% Cost Savings of Database in the Core Connected Car Project's while drive business growth

  • Shortened Project Timeline: Completed System Migration and Vehicle Integration Within a Month
    With the continuous support and assistance of Enterprise Support team, WirelessCar efficiently completed the planning and implementation of system migration and vehicle integration within a month. The migration process was executed smoothly and with minimal disruption.
  • Promoted Cost Optimization and Business Growth
    In another instance of cost optimization, particularly regarding the use of NoSQL databases, the Technical Account Manager aided WirelessCar in leveraging Amazon DynamoDB's flexible purchase model and the elastic scaling feature of cloud databases. This resulted in achieving a cost savings of over 20% in a core connected car project while also facilitating business growth.
  • Ensured Secure Operations and Compliance
    The input and capabilities related to security and compliance not only facilitated the smooth progress of projects in collaboration between WirelessCar and Amazon Web Services but also enabled WirelessCar to benefit in implementing security and compliance practices for its own products.
  • More Focused on Innovation in Core Business Development
    Thanks to the diligent efforts in cost optimization by Enterprise Support team, WirelessCar could redirect their focus and efforts towards their core business, allowing for more breakthroughs and innovations.

About WirelessCar

WirelessCar is one of the world's leading innovators in digital automotive services. For over twenty years, the company has been committed to accelerating service creation and transforming connected car data into commercial value for consumers, mobile travel providers, automobile manufacturers and society. Since its establishment in 1999, WirelessCar has continuously developed expertise in the automotive industry based on past experiences. Today, WirelessCar collaborates with many renowned automotive brands, connecting millions of vehicles and providing services in over 100 countries and regions.

Amazon Web Services Used

Amazon Web Services Support

Provides a mix of tools and technology, people, and programs designed toproactively help you optimize performance, lower costs, and innovate faster.

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. 

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.

Amazon IoT Core

Amazon IoT Core is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. 

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