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Amazon CodeCommit pricing


Free Tier

CodeCommit Free Tier is only available in the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD. The Free Tier includes 5 active users, 50 GB-month of storage and 10,000 Git requests per month.

Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region

Anyone with an Amazon Web Services account can get started with Amazon CodeCommit for free in the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region. Your Amazon Web Services account allows 5 active users per month for free (within limits), after which you pay ¥6.96 per additional active user per month. There are no upfront fees or commitments.

This Amazon Web Services  Free Tier offer for Amazon CodeCommit is available to both new and existing Amazon Web Services customers indefinitely, and does not expire at the end of the standard 12 month Free Tier term.

First 5 active users*

Each additional active user beyond the first 5*


¥6.96 per month


  • Unlimited repositories
  • 50 GB-month of storage
  • 10,000 Git requests/month


  • Unlimited repositories
  • 10 GB-month of storage per active user
  • 2,000 Git requests/month per active user

Your usage is calculated each month and automatically applied to your bill. Unused storage and Git requests do not accumulate.

A Git request includes any push or pull that transmits repository objects, including a direct edit in the console or through the CodeCommit APIs. The request does not count towards your Git request allowance if there is no object transfer due to local and remote branches being up-to-date.

Pricing example

If your account has 6 active users in a given month, then you would be billed ¥6.96 (assuming no additional charges or overages).

Additional charges

Overages: Our transaction and storage quotas are designed to handle the most common developer workflows without incurring overages. For most workflows where CodeCommit users are manually using Git operations, these quotas are rarely breached.

Unused storage and Git requests do not accumulate. If you need more storage or Git requests for your users, additional storage will be charged at:

  • ¥0.42 per GB-month
  • ¥0.007 per Git request

Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region

Amazon CodeCommit does not offer a free tier in the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region. You pay ¥6.96 per active user per month for unlimited repositories. Storage and Git requests for your users will be charged at:

  • ¥0.42 per GB-month
  • ¥0.007 per Git request

Your usage is calculated each month and automatically applied to your bill.

A Git request includes any push or pull that transmits repository objects, including a direct edit in the console or through the CodeCommit APIs. There is no charge for Git requests if there is no object transfer due to local and remote branches being up-to-date.

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT, GST and applicable sales tax.

* An active user is any unique Amazon identity (IAM user/role) that accesses Amazon CodeCommit repositories during the month, either through Git requests or by using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, Amazon CLI or Amazon SDKs. Amazon Web Services identities that are created through your use of other Amazon Web Services Services, such as Amazon CodeBuild and Amazon CodePipeline, as well as servers accessing CodeCommit using a unique Amazon Web Services identity, count as active users. There is no charge for a user if that user does not access Amazon CodeCommit during the month. Storage includes the full space required to retain the repository data.

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1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD