Posted On: May 23, 2024

The Amazon Network Firewall service quota limit for stateful rules is now adjustable. The default limit is still 30,000 stateful rules per firewall policy in a Region, but you can request an increase up to 50,000. This firewall rule limit increase helps customers strengthen their security posture on Amazon Web Services Cloud and mitigate emerging threats more effectively.

A higher rule limit provides flexibility to customers with large-scale deployments to define their firewall policy with different combinations of Amazon Web Services managed and customer defined rules. Starting today, you can implement a broader range of rules to defend against various threats and scale as you grow on Amazon Web Services Cloud.

The quota increase for stateful firewall rules per policy is supported in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.

There is no additional cost to increase your quota for stateful rules. You can request a quota increase up to 50,000 stateful rules at the account level. To learn more about Amazon Network Firewall quotas and request a stateful rule limit increase, please refer to the service documentation.