Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

Amazon Data Firehose now lets you select your preferred time zone for timestamps in S3 object key prefixes. 

Previously, Amazon Data Firehose appended dates and times to S3 object key prefixes only in UTC format. With this feature, Amazon Data Firehose now appends dates and times to S3 object key prefixes in UTC or the time zone chosen by you. This allows you to query objects delivered to Amazon S3 using tools like Amazon Athena in their own time zone, without time zone conversion from UTC.

To learn more, explore the Amazon Data Firehose developer guide. This feature can be used in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD as well as all commercial Amazon Web Services regions where Amazon Data Firehose is available.