Posted On: Nov 20, 2023

Amazon S3 now allows you to enable S3 Object Lock on existing buckets. Additionally, you can set up S3 Replication for your S3 Object Lock enabled buckets without contacting Amazon Web Services Support. This can help you roll out an additional layer of data protection with a write once, read many (WORM) model to guard against accidental or malicious deletion.

Once you enable S3 Object Lock on an existing bucket, you can apply a default retention period for all new objects that you create. To lock existing objects, you can add retention parameters to each object in that bucket, or use S3 Batch Operations to configure retention for tens to billions of objects at a time. Additionally, you can enable S3 Replication for buckets with S3 Object Lock enabled to create immutable copies of your data in the same or different Amazon Web Services account or Region.

This new feature is available in all Amazon Web Services Regions, including the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.  You can use the Amazon Web Services API, SDK, CLI, or Amazon S3 console to enable S3 Object Lock on existing buckets and to start replicating new and existing objects using S3 Replication. To learn more about S3 Object Lock, visit the Amazon S3 User Guide.