Posted On: Aug 16, 2023

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) Performance Insights now provides an enhanced console experience to view performance monitoring metrics for Amazon RDS databases. It consolidates information from Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon RDS Performance Insights to provide a comprehensive view of your database’s health. This removes the need for you to gather data from multiple sources and speeds up the diagnosis of database performance issues. 

This launch allows you to find relevant information to debug database performance issues in one place. With pre-configured dashboards for all Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora database engines showing most commonly used metrics to diagnose performance issues for a given engine type, you can now reduce the mean-time-to-recovery from hours to minutes. You can also create a customized dashboard for each database engine to meet your specific metric analysis needs, and use it across all the database instances of that engine type in your Amazon Web Services account.

Amazon RDS Performance Insights is a database performance tuning and monitoring feature of RDS that allows you to visually assess the load on your database and determine when and where to take action. With one click in the Amazon RDS Management Console, you can add a fully-managed performance monitoring solution to your Amazon RDS database.

Amazon RDS Performance Insights is available in both Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. To learn more about RDS Performance Insights and supported database engines, read the Amazon RDS User Guide