Posted On: Jul 10, 2023

You can now run OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards version 2.7 in Amazon OpenSearch Service. With OpenSearch 2.7, we have made several improvements to observability, security analytics, index management, and geospatial capabilities in OpenSearch Service.

The OpenSearch 2.7 release in OpenSearch Service includes features that were launched as part of open source OpenSearch versions 2.6 and 2.7. Some of the key improvements include introduction of Simple Schema for Observability, providing a common, unified data schema for OpenSearch, ability to add map visualizations to Dashboard panels and ability to filter geospatial data against geospatial field types, support in security analytics for five new log types (Google Workspace logs, GitHub actions, Microsoft 365 logs, Okta events, and Microsoft Azure logs) and the ability to define threat detectors with multiple indexes or index patterns. This release also includes several improvements to OpenSearch Dashboards user interface (UI) such as the ability to manage data streams from the Index Management UI, perform manual rollover operations for indexes or data streams, as well as force merges for indices and data streams, and the ability to manage multiple index templates using component templates. The UI improvements also include support for  dynamic tenant management in Dashboards, the ability to access observability features from the Dashboards main menu, create and select observability dashboards from within Dashboards, and the ability to add event analytics visualizations (PPL) to new or existing dashboards. Other improvements to OpenSearch include support for flat object field type, and support for replication of kNN indices in cross-cluster replication.

For information on upgrading to OpenSearch 2.7, please see documentation. OpenSearch 2.5 is now available for Amazon OpenSearch Service domains in the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.

To learn more about Amazon OpenSearch Service, please visit the product page.