Posted On: Nov 16, 2023

Amazon IoT Device Management expands the capability of Fleet Indexing to support indexing and querying an IoT device’s last reported location. Amazon IoT Device Management is a fully managed cloud service that you can use to remotely monitor and manage your IoT devices at scale. With the Fleet Indexing feature, you can easily query and group devices based on any combination of device attribute, state, and connectivity data stored across various IoT data sources. With this update, you can use geoqueries to narrow your search and retrieve devices in desired geographic boundaries for more targeted insights, such as detecting location specific device connectivity issues. These insights can then further enable you to take targeted device management actions.

Using geoqueries, you can refine your fleet monitoring and management tasks with a granular view, search device proximity relative to any location, or identify devices that are no longer in the desired geographic location. To index location data, you must store geolocation information in your device’s classic shadow or named shadow and enable indexing.

These new features are available in both regions where IoT Device Management is available - Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.

For more information please refer to the developer guide and API documentation.