Posted On: Feb 9, 2023

Amazon Elasticache for Redis now offers an availability Service Level Agreement (SLA) of 99.99% when using a Multi-Availability Zone (Multi-AZ) configuration. Previously, ElastiCache for Redis offered an SLA of 99.9% for Multi-AZ configurations. With this launch, ElastiCache for Redis has updated its Multi-AZ SLA to provide 10x higher levels of availability.

The updated SLA for ElastiCache applies to all regions where ElastiCache is generally available, at no additional cost. To get started, create a new cluster using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, CLI, or SDKs using Redis version 6.2 or above, or upgrade an existing cluster to the latest available engine service update of Redis version 6.2 or above, and enable Multi-AZ. To learn more, refer to the Amazon ElastiCache Service Level Agreement for Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon ElastiCache Service Level Agreement for Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.