Posted On: Sep 21, 2023

Starting today, Amazon EC2 Instance Connect is now available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. Amazon EC2 Instance Connect is a simple and secure way to connect to your instances using Secure Shell (SSH). 

With EC2 Instance Connect, you can control SSH access to your instances using Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies as well as audit connection requests with Amazon CloudTrail events. You can leverage your existing SSH keys or further enhance your security posture by generating one-time use SSH keys each time an authorized user connects. EC2 Instance Connect additionally comes with the capability to create Endpoints. Using EC2 Instance Connect Endpoints, you can have remote connectivity to instances in private subnets, eliminating the need to use public IPv4 addresses for connectivity. With this capability, you don’t need to manage bastion hosts to tunnel SSH/RDP connections to instances with private IPv4 addresses thereby eliminating the cost and operational overhead of managing bastions.

EC2 Instance Connect is now available at no additional cost. Visit our documentation page for more information about connecting to Linux instances using EC2 Instance Connect from API, CLI, or the Amazon EC2 console. To learn more about EC2 Instance Connect Endpoints see our documentation.