Posted On: Jul 3, 2022

Starting today, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) customers can now create their own prefix lists in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.

A prefix list is a collection of CIDR blocks that can be used to configure VPC route tables, Amazon Transit Gateway (TGW) route tables, and VPC security groups. Customers can share prefix lists with other Amazon Web Services accounts using Resource Access Manager (RAM) to easily audit and apply prefix lists across all their accounts to have a consistent security posture and routing behavior.

VPC security groups, VPC route tables, and TGW route tables are used to control access and routing policies. Customers often have a common set of CIDR blocks for security group and route table configurations. Prefix lists allow customers to group multiple CIDR blocks into a single object, and use it as a reference in their security groups or route tables. This makes it easier for customers to roll out changes and maintain consistency in security groups and route tables across multiple VPCs and accounts.

There is no additional charge to use prefix lists. For more information on prefix lists, visit our public documentation.