Posted On: Feb 17, 2022

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with the Amazon SDK, expanding the number of supported Amazon Web Services services from 17 to over 120 and Amazon API Actions from 46 to over 5000.

Amazon Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that developers use to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and build data and machine learning pipelines using Amazon Web Services services. Developers define workflows visually using the Workflow Studio, in their programming language of choice using the CDK, or in Python using the Amazon Step Functions Data Science SDK. These workflows use Step Functions Service Integrations to compose code (running in Amazon Lambda or Amazon ECS) or Amazon Web Services Resources (including DynamoDB Tables, Amazon Glue Jobs, and Amazon EventBridge event buses) into components of modern applications.

Now, with the Amazon SDK integration, it’s even simpler to build on Amazon Web Services. SaaS developers can take data stored in Amazon S3, augment it with information stored in Amazon DynamoDB, then process with Amazon Web Services machine learning services such as Amazon Polly to add new capabilities for their users. Security operations engineers can build reliable, observable, and auditable workflows that react to events from Amazon EventBridge then execute actions in Amazon EC2 to enforce IT controls. Mobile application developers can build a synchronous API that uses Amazon Personalize to enrich the experience of their users. These solutions can be faster to build, easier to scale, and cheaper to maintain because Step Functions manages the complexity, so developers can focus on business logic. And developers gain this advantage with the full selection of Amazon Web Services services.

The Amazon SDK integration is available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.

To learn more about these new integrations, read the launch blog, view the Developer Guide, and try building a state machine using our Amazon SDK integration tutorial.