Posted On: Nov 21, 2022

Amazon EventBridge now supports additional filtering capabilities including the ability to match against characters at the end of a value (suffix filtering), to ignore case sensitivity (equals-ignore-case), and to have a single EventBridge rule match if any conditions across multiple separate fields are true (OR matching). We’re also increasing the bounds supported for numeric values to -5e9 to 5e9 from -1e9 to 1e9. With these new enhanced capabilities, you can now write complex rules that provide additional filtering options when building event-driven applications. 

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that enables you to create scalable event-driven applications by routing events between your own applications, third-party SaaS applications, and other Amazon Web Services services. You can set up routing rules to determine where to send your data, allowing for application architectures to react to changes in your systems as they occur. Amazon EventBridge makes it easier to build event-driven applications by facilitating event ingestion, delivery, security, authorization, and error handling.

The new filtering capabilities virtually eliminate the need to write and manage custom filtering code in downstream services. For example, if you consume S3 events using EventBridge but only need to process certain file types such as PDFs, you can use a suffix filter to ensure your EventBridge rule only matches against S3 objects that end in “.pdf”. To get started, you can navigate to the EventBridge Console and click on the Rules page to create or edit an existing rule. To learn more, please visit our documentation.

Enhanced filtering capabilities are now available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.