Posted On: Aug 18, 2021

Amazon IoT SiteWise is a managed service to collect, store, organize and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale. Today, we are announcing support for exporting your Amazon IoT SiteWise data to Amazon S3. With this feature, you can configure Amazon IoT SiteWise to export your equipment data to your industrial data lake in Amazon S3. Once your data is exported, you can leverage a host of other Amazon Web Services services such as Amazon IoT Analytics, Amazon Athena, Amazon SageMaker, and Amazon QuickSight, to perform analytics and build machine learning (ML) models. You can also join and augment your equipment data from Amazon IoT SiteWise with other data sources in your data lake (such as from Enterprise Resource Planning systems) to get even richer insights that enable you to optimize your maintenance and operations activities.

Customers can opt-in to export their data to S3 from the Amazon IoT SiteWise console. Once you opt-in to export your data to S3, all you need to do is to provide the URL to an S3 bucket in your Amazon Web Services account. Once configured, Amazon IoT SiteWise will export data from your measurements, metrics, and transforms, to your S3 bucket periodically. In addition, Amazon IoT SiteWise will automatically synchronize any changes to your asset and asset model definitions with the data exported to S3 so that your data in S3 reflects the most updated asset structure and hierarchy.

With this launch, we also enabled a native integration between Amazon IoT SiteWise and Amazon IoT Analytics so that you can perform SQL queries on your Amazon IoT SiteWise data. To leverage this functionality, from your Amazon IoT SiteWise console, all you need to do is to opt-in to create an Amazon IoT Analytics data store based on your Amazon IoT SiteWise data exported to S3. You can then use Amazon IoT Analytics to run SQL queries to discover insights about your assets such as viewing properties and relationships between various Amazon IoT SiteWise assets, running statistical queries on Amazon IoT SiteWise data, and performing advanced analytics that join Amazon IoT SiteWise data with other Amazon IoT Analytics data stores that use S3.

For more information on how to configure data export to S3, see the Amazon IoT SiteWise reference page for exporting data to S3. To learn more about Amazon IoT SiteWise, please visit the Amazon IoT SiteWise website or the developer guide.