Posted On: Oct 1, 2021

Today, we are making it easier for customers to view and update the alternate contacts on their Amazon Web Service accounts using a programmatic option accessible through the Amazon Web Service Command Line Interface (CLI) and Amazon Web Services SDK. Customers can now use these programmatic options ensure that their billing, operations, and security contacts for their account are up to date to ensure important notifications about their Amazon Web Service accounts are delivered to the right individuals.

For customers using Amazon Organizations, organization administrators can now centrally manage alternate contacts for member accounts in the organization without requiring credentials for each Amazon Web Service account. This saves administrators time and effort allowing them to simply update the alternate contacts across their organization member accounts.

The ability to update alternate contacts on Amazon Web Service accounts is available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. To learn more about account management, see the documentation.