Posted On: May 21, 2021

Starting today, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) will support the use of longer resource identifiers (IDs) for newly created file systems and mount targets. You can opt into this change by using the API, Command Line Interface (CLI), Cloud Development Kit (CDK), and Amazon EFS console.

From now until the end of September 2021, you can test your workloads with the longer format and opt in when you are ready. After September 2021, all new resources will be created with longer IDs by default. Note that the new format will only apply to newly created resources; your existing resources won't be affected. We strongly recommend testing your systems and opting in to the longer ID format across all of your accounts before the end of September 2021.

The current format is a resource identifier followed by an 8-character string. The new format will be the same resource identifier followed by a 17-character string. For example, today, your file system has a resource identifier like “fs-1234abc0”. After September 2021, a new file system will be assigned an identifier like “fs-1234567890abcdef0”.

This change is available in the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Beijing Sinnet Technology Co., Ltd., and the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd. (NWCD). For more information please refer to Amazon EFS documentation.