Posted On: Aug 4, 2020

Amazon Systems Manager Automation now supports higher concurrency limits when running automation executions, helping IT operators automate operational tasks at a larger scale. You can now run up to 100 concurrent automations per account – including child automations (automations that are started by another automation execution). If you attempt to run more automations, the additional automations are added to a queue of up to 1,000 executions. In addition, you can also run 25 rate control automations (automations with concurrency value and error threshold), with an additional queue of 1,000.  

Systems Manager Automation enables you to author runbooks to perform common IT tasks at scale, such as building Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with rate controls, with one operational execution. Previously, Automation supported 25 concurrent automations, including rate control automations, with a maximum of 75 child automations and a queue of 1,000. Now, Automation supports higher concurrency limits and an additional queue for rate control automations.  

This feature is available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. For more information on Amazon Systems Manager, visit our Product Page and Documentation.