Posted On: Jun 27, 2019

The Amazon Web Services Management Console now makes it easier to complete tasks in multiple Amazon Web Services accounts using roles.

With just one click, you can assume a role in any account you have access to. You don’t have to sign-in when you assume a role in a different account, saving you time and effort. Once you assume a role in an account, you can complete tasks in that account. When you are done, you can stop using that role with one click. You can choose which role to assume from a list of up to 5 roles defined by your Amazon Web Services administrator.

This improvement is available in the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) region, operated by NWCD. To get started, visit the Amazon Web Services Management Console, select the Account menu, and then choose ‘Switch Role.’