Posted On: Jun 26, 2019

Elastic Load Balancing now supports the UDP protocol on Network Load Balancers, in addition to the already supported TCP protocol. With this launch, you can deploy services that rely on the UDP protocol, such as Authentication and Authorization, Logging, DNS, and IoT, behind a Network Load Balancer, benefiting from its low latency, scale, and reliability.  

Network Load Balancers also offer multi-protocol listeners, allowing you to run applications such as DNS that rely on both TCP and UDP protocols on the same port behind a Network Load Balancer. Additionally, Network Load Balancers preserve the source IP of the clients to the back-end applications. 

UDP support on Network Load Balancers is now available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. 

UDP on Network Load Balancers supports Instance target types (IP target types and PrivateLink are currently not supported) and can be used in Amazon CloudFormation templates. 

To learn more about this feature, please refer to the blog, and the Elastic Load Balancing Documentation.