Posted On: Mar 22, 2019

Amazon IoT Device Management is a service that allows you to onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage connected devices at scale. Within Amazon IoT Device Management, fleet indexing allows you to index the Registry, Device Shadow, and connection state for every device in your fleet, as well as search for devices based on any combination of these attributes. You can use fleet indexing to query which devices are running a particular version of firmware, or to query which devices are actively connected to Amazon IoT.  

Starting today, you can now use fleet indexing to count the number of devices that match a given query. For example, let’s say your devices write their firmware version and battery level to the Device Shadow (where dynamic attributes are stored), and their model number to the Registry (where static attributes are stored). Now, you can write a query to count the number of devices running a particular version of firmware, or to count the number of devices of a particular model number. With these figures, you can then determine the percentage of devices running the latest firmware update. Other query examples include: count the number of devices currently connected to Amazon IoT, count the number of devices currently connected to Amazon IoT with a battery level greater than 50% and with firmware version 5.1, or count the number of devices of a given Thing type. This allows you to monitor overall fleet connectivity, identify how many devices are in an appropriate state to receive an upgrade, or determine the mix of device types in your fleet. 

To get started, visit the Amazon Web Services Management Console or webpage to learn more about Amazon IoT Device Management.