Posted On: Oct 31, 2019

Amazon S3 now supports automatic and asynchronous replication of newly uploaded S3 objects to a destination bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region. Amazon S3 Same-Region Replication (SRR) adds a new replication option to Amazon S3, building on S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR) which replicates data across different Amazon Web Services Regions. Together, SRR and CRR form Amazon S3 Replication to deliver enterprise-class replication features such as cross-account replication for protection against accidental deletion and replication to any Amazon S3 storage class, including S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive to create backups and long-term archives. With SRR, new objects uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket are configured for replication at the bucket, prefix, or object tag levels. Replicated objects can be owned by the same Amazon Web Services account as the original copy or by different accounts, to protect from accidental deletion. 

Data stored in any Amazon S3 storage class, except for S3 One Zone-IA, is always stored across a minimum of three Availability Zones, each separated by miles within an Amazon Web Services Region. SRR makes another copy of S3 objects within the same Amazon Web Services Region, with the same redundancy as the destination storage class. This allows you to automatically aggregate logs from different S3 buckets for in-region processing, or configure live replication between test and development environments. SRR helps you address data sovereignty and compliance requirements by keeping a copy of your objects in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the original. 

When an S3 object is replicated using SRR, the metadata, Access Control Lists (ACL), and object tags associated with the object are also part of the replication. Once SRR is configured on a source bucket, any changes to the object, metadata, ACLs, or object tags trigger a new replication to the destination bucket. 

Amazon S3 Same-Region Replication is available today in all Amazon Web Services Commercial Regions and in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. Same-Region Replication be configured through the S3 Management Console, SDK, or API. 

To get started, see the Amazon S3 Replication documentation and the replication FAQs.