Posted On: Aug 20, 2019

Amazon EC2 Fleet simplifies the provisioning of Amazon EC2 capacity across different Amazon EC2 instance types, Availability Zones, and On-Demand, Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances (RI) and Amazon EC2 Spot purchase models. With a single API call, you can provision capacity across EC2 instance types and purchase models to achieve desired scale, performance, and cost.

Until today you could only add or remove Spot Instances in a running fleet, which meant if you wanted to scale On-Demand, a new EC2 Fleet would have to be created. Starting today, customers can modify On-Demand Target Capacity in a running fleet, simplifying capacity provisioning and cost optimization across instances and purchase options.

Amazon EC2 Fleet is available in all public Regions. To learn more about simplifying the provisioning of Amazon EC2 capacity across different Amazon EC2 instance types, Amazon Web Services Availability Zones and across On-Demand, RI and Spot purchase models using Amazon EC2 Fleet, visit this blog. To learn more about Amazon EC2 pricing models, visit this page