Posted On: Jun 6, 2019

We are excited to announce the availability of Amazon EBS encryption in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region operated by SINNET, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD.

Amazon EBS encryption provides you with seamless support for data encryption on block-level storage, enabling you to meet security and encryption compliance requirements at no additional cost.

With this launch, you can now create an encrypted EBS volume with keys managed through Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) and attach it to a supported instance type. Data on the volume, disk I/O, and snapshots created from the volume are then all encrypted. The encryption occurs on the servers that host the EC2 instances, providing encryption of data as it moves between EC2 instances and EBS storage.

To get started, simply enable encryption when you create a new EBS volume using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, API, or CLI. Amazon EBS encryption is available for all supported EC2 instances in all commercially available Amazon Web Services regions. To learn more about Amazon EBS encryption, see the Amazon EBS details page.