Posted On: Mar 29, 2018

You now have a number of new Amazon S3 features to augment data protection and simplify compliance in Amazon Web Services China Regions including Default Encryption, encryption status in S3 Inventory reports, and additional object age groups in S3 Storage Class Analysis.

It is now easier to ensure encryption of all new objects and monitor and report on their encryption status. Default Encryption is a bucket-level setting that automatically encrypt objects when they are stored in an S3 bucket using server-side encryption with S3 managed keys (SSE-S3).

S3 Inventory reports now include encryption status in their list of objects and their metadata. This is a scheduled report provided on a daily or weekly basis for a bucket or prefix. The addition of encryption status in S3 inventory allows you to see how objects are encrypted for compliance auditing or other purposes. A creation timestamp is in the S3 Inventory manifest file so you can see when the report generation began. Storage added or deleted after the timestamp will not be included in the S3 Inventory report. You can now choose ORC columnar file format optimized for Hadoop in addition to the CSV flat-file format for S3 Inventory report. You can also encrypt S3 Inventory reports with SSE-S3.

With S3 Storage Class Analysis, you can analyze storage access patterns to help you set lifecycle policies that transition the right data to the right storage class. You can now see a daily visualization of your storage usage by 12 object age groups in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. Storage Class Analysis automatically identifies the optimal lifecycle policy to transition less frequently accessed storage to S3 Standard-IA. You can configure a Storage Class Analysis policy to monitor an entire bucket, a prefix, or an object tag.

These new features are available now in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and the Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. Visit the Amazon Web Services Management Console to get started. To learn more about these features, read this Amazon Web Services blog post.