Posted On: Apr 2, 2018

You can now tag your Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Snapshots at the time of creation. You can do this from the Amazon EC2 console or through the CreateSnapshot API. By tagging resources at the time of creation, you can eliminate the need to run custom tagging scripts after resource creation. 

In addition, you can now set resource-level permissions on the CreateSnapshot, DeleteSnapshot, and ModifySnapshotAttribute APIs. This allows you to implement stronger security policies by giving you more precise control over actions that users and groups can take over specific snapshots. You can also enforce the use of tagging and control which tag keys and values are set on your resources.

With these new features, you can exercise more control over your Amazon EBS Snapshots, track your snapshots easily by tagging them upon creation, and achieve more accurate cost allocation reporting.

These new features are provided at no additional cost. To learn more, see EC2 User Guide for tagging your resources and Working with Snapshots for applying resource-level permissions to Amazon EBS Snapshots.